I reloged, i do it one T2 and 2 T1 and only appears one kill drone more…not works for me or something not clear.
still only getting drones. its so obvious what ccp tries to do
I was getting along just fine picking up SP but I seem to have found a bug. 1 of my challenges is to kill 10 drones, its stuck at 4. And yes I have been killing more drones and not sleepers. I’ve run like 4 additional filaments to see if it will figure itself out, it hasn’t.
still waiting to hear back on my petition. Bit of a bummer, content should be hard and i like the idea of it being a total loss if the fault is pilot error. I lost a bad fit omen and adapted and went back in with a new fitted maller which was successfull, i ran roughly a dozen sites with it.
However losing everything due to the game server faulting is a bit much. Though if it was my actual internet or my computer crashing out i’d shrug that off and move on (been there done that before!). What happened to me yesterday was neither, total loss due to the server having a moment, watching it plunge from 22k to 7k online, being unable to reconnect, failing on “processing bulk data” or whatever.
Thats going to be the single reason i’ll probably not go back into this event again, even if i get all my stuff reimbursed, it took barely a few hours of doing these total before i lost everything, despite me being here, trying to activate modules, trying to maneuver, trying everything, then watching as the internet worked but the game locked me out telling me i had no connection to the server
This is the most asinine event you have created yet. This is geared ONLY for very experienced pilot in VERY expensive ships to be able to do. I have lost a Vexor with 25 Hobgoblin II’s in it because they ships move so fast they couldn’t hit the npc’s 90% of the time. Never mind that I have extremely high drone skills, nearly maxxed out in everything and at least lvl 4 in everything. Vexor was fitted out for drone damage, health, speed, tracking, etc. Yet they couldn’t do crap for damage. Tried a Maller wiht 269 dps and again, couldn’t hit them and only kill ONE b4 I died.
If you are going to do events with free SP’s you need to make it acessible for everyone to do with good chances of success, not only for the elite players. Just another reason when my Omega is gone I’m done with Eve.
Basic understanding of turret mechanics isn’t exclusive to “very experienced” pilots. Neither are 20M-fit Caracals or Ruptures. I literally took my throwaway PVP Ashimmu today since it was the only cruiser at hand and blazed through a few of t1s with biggest annoyance being overshooting caches by a few hundred meters.
You can do T1 abyss on a character that just got started with a very braindead Caracal fit. Get better man, and research where you’re going. At least read a filament description, from what you’re telling you went into Darks and expected a drone or turret ship to work in there.
i fit an AB and dual webs to my mallers midslots and t2 focused medium pulse for the highs. It was working pretty well the only issue i encountered with the enemies was when it was a battleship spawn, the maller is just so slow on an alpha topping out at less than 550ms. The battleships would immediately turn away and would run into the end of the arena before i could close range to actually shoot. Slightly concerning when its a leshak and its hitting for 400-500 per tick for a couple of minutes before i could get under the gun
for everything else the dual web grabs them and holds them down well enough for the guns to track. Just a shame that the server isnt stable enough
What’s funny here is that you fail the site, correctly identify the problem, and then instead of solving it you just go ranting. There’s a difference between ‘elite players’ and people who take a few seconds to learn what they could do better.
- Hobgoblins have bad tracking. Use different drones.
- You tried boosting the damage of your drones and the enemies dodge them, so maybe try switching focus to making enemies easier to hit. Damage not applied is useless.
- You managed to kill one ship before you died - perhaps spare a thought for how you might stay alive longer.
My first trip to the abyss was pretty bad, too. I was unprepared for the tiny fast enemies and the high damage, and I ended up just barely staying alive until I ran out of time on the last room. I revised my strategy and did better. Then I revised it again, and now everything is dandy.
Learn. Get better.
A few more fixes will be deployed at downtime today to address outstanding issues with the daily challenges. We will also extend the length of the event to let everyone get the SP they might have missed because of these issues.
We will communicate the new end date for the Skilling in the Abyss at the earliest convenience.
Please fix drones issues i had to kill 15 drones but i killed more than 15 and didn’t count, 5 kill drones was ok than started 10 kill drones event and i got stuck at 7 out of 10, and from 6 drones only 1 counted!!!
Tier one is possible for alphas in t1 cruisers, tier 2 once you have tech2 weapons and tank
I am doing a run in basic Bellicose today…
Alpha in The Abyss Pt:3 Low Skill Vexor Does Calm Electrical Site
I’m having a lovely smooth ride in a passive tanked autocannon stabber. With the Bellicose, I had trouble getting close enough to the battleships without getting wrecked, although it was more or less doable.
We deployed more fixes at downtime today, so please try again to see if you are still experiencing issues with drone kills not being counted correctly.
Cheers for the hint, that YT alpha is traing med turrets right now
I did a couple of runs yesterday with the fit I used on lvl 2 missions, I has to manage it ‘a bit’ but made it out. With a cap battery no probs. the one issue with T1 missile on bellicose and caracal can be lack of dps to kill double BS room spawn in 20 mins!.
There are always ‘bad’ rooms though, part of the excitement I guess, yesterday one BS parked over the tower and it ate all drones and missiles, dead Bellicose… but I find these rare even with low skills, and everyone needs podding now and again, it is good for the soul (just don’t ride the bling pod in there)
That does happen from time to time, yes. The other day I had a lancer shut off my MWD while a battleship was still 40km away. That got exciting, although it worked out in the end.
The first day of the event I did all right in a rupture and bellicose (admittedly with lackluster missile skills), but the stabber is so much easier. Turns out you can fit a pretty obscene passive tank on it; so much so that I went back over and reduced the tank for more damage later.
Don’t tell him I said, but my son lost 1.6 bil Ishtar on a T3 due to freaky spawn that ate his drones, him and that fit do t5 for fun. (Made me chuckle)
Besides the SP and loot, the Abyss also has some of the most amazing environments in the game, I can’t be the only one who lost a ship due to screenshot faffing ??
Well, I liked your post too early. It’s better than the past two days, but eventually it gets stuck and not counting anymore.
Alright I take it back, it’s still counting. What can be confusing is that it seems like you need top damage and final blow on the rats in order for it to register (like the pvp event). That makes it confusing when you have the Pylons shooting too, as I think they sometimes steal your kill.
Think its picked up what I did yesterday, thanks
It seems to have added in drone kills from yesterday for me +