Yep. I’m sure I’m not the only one who stopped doing the abyss event last weekend Saturday when the DDOSing really started getting bad. I might have resumed late this past week once things seemed better but then we had the battlecruisers only event which… while still dangerous to disconnect during, was still far safer than abyssing in the conditions as of late, so I just started doing the new event and didn’t bother going back to the abyss one.
I did take note of my daily tasks on all my toons while avoiding doing them, though, and noticed the occasional kill 15 trig task days and thought to myself how hard that one can be to complete, too. You need lots of those 1 vedmak 5 damavik type rooms but instead you get 2 leshaks, then like 20 rooms in a row with nothing but drones and sleepers/drifters before you get another 2 leshaks and wow, now you’re 4/15 on that task, eh? pretty bad RNG can kill you on some of these. Before I stopped doing it, I was growing to appreciate having more (or even ALL) of the 5 and 10 kills variety of tasks even if their SP rewards were more underwhelming than the 25k for 15 kills. Meant I could get my tasks done with 2 to 3 abyssal runs per toon instead of 5 or 6 like I was sometimes having to do for those 15 kill tasks.
I think they should have stuck with the original rewards (50k for 15, 20k for 10, 10k for 5) even if they were a bug or different dailies/event team members disagreed about the reward structure, woulda been a lot more inducement to abyss even on a week of DDOS attacks.
Woulda been a lot more dead people in the abyss than there already were (and that’s saying a lot), but… dat risk/reward mix, eh? Speaking of reward, there should really be ISK payouts for the current battlecruiser event sites, if the loot is underwhelming in a site, you just wasted 15+ minutes for hardly anything. But… again, RNG, again risk/reward.