Skilling is Just a Means of Communication and non-aggressive playstyles

Why pick a fight with one of the good ones that in any forum thread, would have the back of the pvp nature of the game?

Seems kind of pointless, where there are plenty of genuinely trash carebears to have a go at instead,


I get it, you think all PvE players are trash; thatā€™s your opinion and thatā€™s fine.

I disagree with your opinion, in my opinion not all PvE players are trash, just as not all PvP players are F1 monkeys.


Iā€™m not picking a fight unless youā€™re trying to make this a fight.

Cool, weā€™ll agree to disagree then.

Itā€™s far easier to generalise than realise that there are exceptions to the rule.


Iā€™m planning to join FW for the duration of the event. You should too

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The tone of response a lot of these replies have, indicates that people seem to think I was dissatisfied with the current situation, or upset, or lodging a complaint.

The purpose behind this post was to start what I had hoped would be a constructive discussion about ways we can include everyone in this event, not complaining about content that hasnā€™t even had the rules released yet.

Please, if you have some constructive discussion on the matter, I would appreciate to hear the thoughts, but Iā€™ll ask people to refrain from posting insults, or disingenuous discussion in general.

Iā€™d also like to note that I was very specific about the distinction between player and character. I personally have one toon that may not be able to engage in this. All of my others will have no issue whatsoever (does that make a player a ā€œPvE playerā€, and therefore trash?). Again, the entire reason for this post was to foster constructive talk, not to be mean to people who we think play the game in a way we donā€™t approve of for own experience.


Pacifists want war medals too.

Simple as.

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If you donā€™t want people to think you are complaining, maybe donā€™t complain?


Where have you been all this time to request the same thing for the PvE only events?


Your alliance killboard says otherwise.

Granted you loose plenty of ships with this idea but you still have people in the alliance going on roams with groups killing people. That in itself means you have members hunting others down.

Why this should be so? Events are generally not intended to be for every playstyle, because EVE player base is diverse.

You didnā€™t ask before, why now?

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Canā€™t we all agree that these skilling sprees are terrible and should not be part of the game? Bickering over these table scraps is not going to improve anything.


Sure, my pleasure: Keep yer gob shut and quit embarrassing your group publicly.

But Iā€™m sure you were here doing the same for all PVE focused events too right? Like, you were here advocating for the inclusion of PVP only players also?

Or are you only here now, because it affects you?

If the second case, then thatā€™s where the responses are coming from. Selfishness and entitlement, otherwise you would have been here raising the same sort of discussions during all past events.

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Yes, absolutely.

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Okay, if I read this a certain way it seems to be an invitation to initiate the PvP with Signal Cartel members, thus avoiding the situation they face in gaining access to the skilling event.

Seems like a fair compromise for everyone!

edit. If I see triple-repped Hyperions doing explo sites I will knowā€¦


Nope, I quite enjoyed them actually - Itā€™s simple really, if you donā€™t want to do them, donā€™t do themā€¦

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What part did you find enjoyable?

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