Skilling is Just a Means of Communication and non-aggressive playstyles

This ^


Yeah, this is like the 3rd thread where OP shared a similar sentiment. Regardless, here are my two cents: (1) CCP will not be able to appeal to every playstyle, (2) previous skilling sprees favored PvE content, so it’s about time CCP made one that appealed to PvP’ers, (3) there are probably going to be ways to cheese the event, so you should be able to participate regardless, and (4) hopefully, it encourages more people to get out there and get into some fights (and, hopefully, have some fun along the way).


Well, there were already two other threads on the subject that seemed to be little more than complaining, so, there was an increased chance that people would interpret your post in the same way.

Also, you could make a post arguing that puppies were cute, and you’d get people saying you’re an idiot for liking puppies, or accusing you of being a bastard for hating kittens. So, try not to let it get to you. :slight_smile:

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Scoots is a drama queen, not actually concerned about debating what is good or bad for the game. He noticed that Merin Ryskin gets feedback for calling all PVE players trash, so he copied it to provoke a few more replies to his little pleas for attention.

Best to just ignore and move on, like the rest of the trolling-for-attention squad.

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CCP run plenty of non PvP event’s. They run almost PvE events exclusively. It’s time to stop being a care bear and dip your toe in some PvP

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You failed.

Going out in alts I don’t often use, finding NPC’s and killing them. OK with you ?

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Just curious, man.

I don’t consider that anything “prevent” them to participate in the event, since they have the same possibility than everyone else to participate.
They CHOOSE not to participate for personnal reasons, nothing is “preventing” them.


As the name state it itself, it is an “event”. An event is something that do not interfere with the core aspects of the game, it is a bonus content for a predetermined period of time.

If you were forced to do it, in the sense that you cannot just play as you usually play everyday, I could agree.
Here, you can ignore the event if you want to. I don’t see why it is a big deal if some players are not considered the target of this event.

For instance, I didn’t participate in the Dragonaur Blitz event back in January, because I’m still a pretty new player and I had no way to buy/fit a ship capable of doing those sites.

Well, that’s how it is, I was not the target of the event, and has such I just didn’t participate and didn’t complain.


If that were true you’d be acknowledging peoples points and answering the questions directed at you.


Personally I do not see how an event of this type could be or indeed needs to be inclusive for all play styles. It’s clearly a pvp themed event, again by design, for whatever reason. As long as there is a series of differently themed events, where every play style gets similar SP rewards at different points in time, I don’t see any issues.

Does that mean every play style needs to be included for every event ? Not in my opinion.
Along the same line one might argue that the permanent introduction of the filaments only benefits certain play styles, or the changes of rorquals, or so many other targeted changes. Some will love it, some will hate it with a passion, as usual.

The limitation is in the theme. Imagine an “all inclusive” event that rewards sp for a) killing x npcs OR b) wrecking x player ships of a type OR c) hacking x data sites OR d) mining x amount of an ore. This beast would have no shape and it might as well be a simple login event, far simpler to organize and manage.

We don’t know the rules yet. It may well state that participating in pvp is enough, with half the amount of sp for a loss and full amount for a win, with a weight factor for fleet size or w/e, or perhaps via dueling. If it resembles anything like that it would perhaps appeal to a broader group than pilots who engage in daily pvp.


Well the only REASONABLE expectation would be that said playergroup aka ‘the majority of players’ will simply not log in and/or would cancel their subscription during the duration of this ‘event’ and that CCP will experience a significant playerdrop during this ‘event’ and so will paddle their boat back faster than you are able to say ‘this idea was really crap’…

But this is CCP and drawing logical conclusions and expecting reasonable behaviour of their customers is well outside of their agenda…

I fail to see how this is reasonable. Maybe you won’t log in, that’s okay. But this event does nothing to warrant a halt in activity.


Agreed. Each event has its own set of requirements. Some events like Guardians Gala or Secrets of the Abyss exclude many players just based on the ship and skill requirements needed to effectively take part.

At least with PvP Skilling, everybody has the ability to participate, so it’s simply a matter of choice and some organization to do so. I don’t really expect much more from the event than “Kill 1 player ship for 15k SP, 3 ships for 40k, 5 ships for 75k” offered on the same ‘1 option by RNG each day’ plan as PvE Skilling events.

As usual, people will just set up the minimal routine they can to score the points they care to, CCP will pretend they’re enlivening the game while they’re actually killing it, and people will wait til almost the end of the event to come and post “Wait why didn’t anybody tell me this event was on? Can you extend it by another week? I was in Mexico/my daughter was sick/my dog ate my homework”.


You clearly underestimate the sheer number of pve players here and their sheer dislike of pvp…

PVP is(even knowing their always stated ‘eve is a pvp game’ crap by them eve IS no pvp game ) a 30% minority here…and CCP will see this durring this event…

And yes…there are always those that do both or those that are only 'part time pvp okayer…but even with that included pvp is a minority…

A fact that they simply don’t want or have trouble to accept…because…well…they were spoiled for so long do it’s their birthright to be spoiled…you know… :slight_smile:

If suggesting to unsub accounts or refusing to play when an event is not to your liking - and which does not affect your activity in hisec - seems REASONABLE to you I dread to think what your EXTREME suggestion would be.

As to the “majority of players”, guessing you mean “non-pvp’ers”, you may have experienced that everyone who plays Eve is involved in some way in pvp, food chain and all that. That is simply how this game is conceived from the ground up.

Perhaps the devs think that a token stimulation to get more players involved in the direct pvp aspect is in order. It’s just one more opportunity to seize. If you don’t want to be exposed to anything pvp-related, then why pick a game like Eve ?


You clearly overestimate the connection between this event and PvP.

The effect won’t certainly be larger than in 100% loot drops event, won’t you agree?

You were right…i changed it into ‘expectation’…

5k pvp players are 5k pvp players even if every pvp player would do this event they still have a fixed(minor) number…

And yes i’m fully aware that this answer does not fit 100% to your question :slight_smile:

…and it becomes a problem where? I’m sure SP rewards per day would be fixed.