Skilling Spree - Event Feedback

From what it looks like if your unlucky you can roll 10k every day.
So minimum you can get is 280.000 skill points and max is 1.400.000


Let’s completely remove the pumping? Just give everyone the opportunity to fly on all ships. And everyone will be happy.


I would like to believe that every char has the same deck of cards, the randomness is which card each character draws from their own deck.


Yeah, I look forward (read: don’t look forward) to finding out how far apart the SP totals I receive on my 3 mains is at the end of all this… egad, CCP… think about us OCD folks. You’re killing us here. ;_;

First day: +10k, +10k, +25k. And we’re off to the uneven races.


Yer my first rolls were: 5x10k, 2x25k and 1x50



BTW. All that work you all did with the Agency window and GUI and you don’t add events like this to it for people to find. Or did i mess something?

Shouldn’t there be an ‘event’ tab somewhere on the Agency to support this? After all, isn’t that where the new players will be looking to engage with to find content?

Doesn’t make sense to not have this in the Agency.


Yer it was the first place i looked and there was no information :thinking:


Some players reported getting 50k for todays challenge, while others have gotten 10k. They say it’s random… so what if the 10k player gets 10k again tomorrow and the 50k player gets 50k again? Now one player thats plays & pays the same has 80,000 skill points less than the other player… Horrible design… far from fair for everyone involved.


please remove the rng, its not fair that some people get 50k and others get 10k. Should also make it that omegas get more than alphas, not the same.


they want us to forget the blackout, I do not renew subscription in November


And you have to tell the world?

Why the yelling?

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They did a month or so of dailies a few years ago when they were changing over from the SCOPE event framework and no-framework-at-all-no-points-at-all type events to the Agency event framework (before the actual Agency window was introduced on a 24/7/365 basis).

They didn’t remove them because anyone complained, they were meant to be a limited time only thing, an experiment to see how they affected player engagement/login numbers/etc.

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yep friend

lol, they literally WERE giving it away for free for the past 8 days, mate… free SP giveaway on our login screens ring a bell?

Maybe you were being ironic. But in any event, if you missed out on the past week’s free SP, there’ll be more free SP just for looking at your character select screen one weekend in late August, apparently, once this month of kill rats for SP event is over.




Thanks for the Event CCP :smile:


Always the same whiners and babies crying

Thank you CCP.


most dumb event ever


SP farmer here. After doing some rough calculations, it would appear this event will provide 2.4 billion ISK per account in profit by the end of the month. 120 billion ISK in profit for my skill farm with 50 accounts.

There are people with 200 account skill farms. Yeah, it would take perhaps 2 hours to log them all in and kill 10 NPCs each, but that’s just a couple hours… for 480 billion ISK in profit… in one month.

Given the number of people in top-level alliances with huge numbers of accounts, this event will likely net trillions in profits for those groups.


Good thing it doesn’t affect you personally then huh. Since no isk is being created, there is no isk inflation and your isk doesn’t get devalued