CCP, this is going to be gamed to death. I don’t mind the log in sp as long as they are low (I do not like the “random” amount is that feels lootboxy) but this isn’t the way.
If you want to give sp, make us earn it. A way you could make a lot of people happy is have sp for award for tournaments. Different tiers for new and veteran players. (Everyone get 10k prize goes up more someone wins.) Then you just made both an isk sink and have more people logged on (no pvp testing on singularity so people lose ships.)
I’m sure there could be contests for other things.
Perhaps the four nations get worried about pod pilots, so they need an Npc titan built, a race to build one for each faction? The winning Corp gets sp? (Dont get to keep the titan as they get turned over)
im 100% sure if the devs continue with this carebear focus, more then half of the population will quit and some hardcore fans will start to work on a private eve server with some older(better) version, maybe it will take em 10years to finish (like the swgemu team) but they will gettin bigger support from their community than the eve devs will get from their bot and carebear players!
i really hope and prey all this bs wont happen, but just look at all the other good mmos and what happen to em! atleast i have the proof now that the eve devs dont care about their longtime players and veterans who cry about changes like this since years!
eve is a old mmo and some retard dev who is in charge now says it is time to make the game so easy that we get some more retard casuals who buy all the crap out of the eve shop. Money Money Money and then we shut down this crap!!
nightmare stuff i know and im sry for saying stuff like this but just look what is happening to this game! it doesnt look good!
game features like this would make me 100% pay for this game again!!
free stuff is just boring but if u work hard for something and get a nice reward it just feels nice! and if a game feels nice and is fun,… guess what? more people will come, play aaaand $$PAY$$
Ok, you do understand that all of the empires have massive navies, right? That by the last estimation I saw from @CCP_Delegate_Zero, if every single capsuleer in New Eden banded together, the weakest of the 4 empires could squash them like bugs, and basically drop 1 capital or better for every single capsuleer?
Build 1 titan for each faction? I think DekSwat’s got a half-dozen of each coming out of build on any given week.
I am not big on lore, so I have no idea, but if I remember right we are immortal and they are not. I’m sure some lore reason could be came up with if ccp wanted to go with something like that.
Wow, unbelievable. The only way to enter into this in-game contest is by submitting a video of the kill? Thought CCP wanted to keep things in-house instead of relying on 3rd party apps?
So this event basically cut’s out a large portion of the playerbase and despite all the talk of gaining and retaining players, this will actually alienate even more customers causing even less interest to log into the game…