Skilling Spree Speed Run Contest - Feedback

It’s going to take a lot more than CCP is offering to get me to log in and shoot random NPCs. It’s been a least a decade since I last was ratting and it will be another decade before I’m over the trauma enough to try it again.


Ah, here we go. The two steps back to accompany the Blackout step forwards. Of course it had to come. I had this tiny, slight hope that the Blackout and new taxes etc were a sign of CCP starting to respect and recognize that the game’s health requires sandbox shakeups and interesting and drastic measures. Recognizing that it means respecting the players’ time and efforts, ensuring that the game itself is worth logging in to and spending time in…

… and now we’re login baiting with sp rewards, freakin’ NPC killing and video submissions?

Why is it that after all this time, and even calling it ahead of time, I still allow myself to be surprised at CCP disappointing us right on schedule? Demonstrating without even a glimmer of a doubt that the only thing cared about in the slightest is the short-term money rather than even slightly respecting the players’ time, efforts and loyalties.

I need to stop letting my hopes get up. This is like the fifth time in as many years that gets followed by it being dragged behind the chemical shed and shot.


I keep telling you, lower your expectations. You keep insisting on viewing humanity as basically decent, and getting disappointed. I expect everyone to be utterly worthless, and occasionally they exceed my expectations. Trust me, you’ll be a lot happier if you just give up on expecting decency from this terrible, terrible excuse for a species.


The species isn’t the problem. I can assure you I see the species at its lowest a damn sight more often than you do, given my job. CCP and the rest aren’t the species at their lowest, it’s the species when not being accountable for their greed. More importantly, there’s a difference between rational misanthropy and the way you instead use it to justify the worst kinds of behaviour, by trying to call it normal or expected.


Your job deals with individuals. The species hits its lowest in groups. Big groups. Millions of people groups. It’s just a pity house cats don’t prey on us. They’d have this whole thing sorted out in five years.


Greetings ! The importanr thing is to not take the miserable sods who inhabit these forums too seriously- ‘bitterer than thou’ is a form of forum metagaming…


… again, on the note of my job… don’t die alone with a cat if you were expecting your family to bury you with an open casket ceremony. They go for the softest bits first. Eyes and lips. Within hours. With food in the bowl. Without exception. Speaking as a cat owner, they give zero crap.

CCP isn’t a “millions of people” group. Nor are the individuals that disappoint so frequently. You can’t really have it both ways there. Misanthropy is largely a rational stance to take as far as I’m concerned, but not when allowing it to set standards when you also know full well what individuals are capable of in terms of greatness.

Standards lead to me being disappointed often, sure… but it also allows me to hold both myself and others within my influence to standards, rather than just rendering me a powerless observer before a slip’n’slide to American conditions.

One of only two animals we keep close that has no compunctions about eating us when we’re dead! Them and pigs. It’s a wonderful thing. Also…

LOOK! The ‘give us $5 for 1M SP’ thing is back, with no mention of ‘new accounts only’ on it.

Its true, I got as far as being allowed to pay. (Was just checking), and this account already had it even though its 1 per account apparently.

Speaking of standards and racing to slide beneath its bar. Four steps back for the one step forwards. This is starting to be more recognizable as the CCP I unsubbed from. Guess I should be grateful they didn’t pretend for long enough that I spent more money. Literally buying SP conjured out of thin air, sod’s sake.

It’s like… the one thing they swore in blood would never happen in Eve.
This is how you manage to vehemently turn away the kind of whale that splurged heavily on skins and even the original monocle.

Getting too greedy just says too much about how little you respect your customers. Be a normal level of greedy. We have disposable income. We whales will happily throw you dosh for everything from subs through skins and char customization stuff (dear gods you’re sitting on a goldmine if you just start producing hair styles, purchasable neon colors for hair, cyberpunk clothes and so on) as long as you stay away from paying to win.

Skill injectors were a split genital hair from crossing that line. This? This is yoloing past the line with fireworks shoved up the arse and a MAGA hat waved around while you yeehaw your way straight into short-term gains at the expense of betraying your core playerbase.


I hate to be a prick but honestly this is the dumbest thing ever…


Heh, coincidentally enough my (Minmatar) alt was at first using an arty rifter for this (the daily free SP tasks, I mean, the past week)… along with rail merlins for the Caldari alts and beam executioners for the Amarr alts. I’ve since trained them all to DDs with the free SP, tho, so it’s Coercer/Cormorant/Thrasher party time now.

But I gotta say, that little arty rifter with 3 meta 4 250mm cannons… was quite fun in HS anoms. That cycle time, though (doesn’t match up to Vargur/Mach cycle times, at least, but… dayum!)…

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i guess in a year or 2 SP will just be another form of ingame currency. maybe you can even buy gametime with SP or what about an straight up ingame converter for PLEX-SP or some ■■■■ like that.


Howcome we dont make it so that lvls 1-3 of any skill can revieve sp bonus amounts rewarded for actively using those skills. Much like the activity tracker but rewards SP up to lvl 3 of skills ur training.

SP used on any lvl 3 or lower level of a skill cannot be extracted.

No SP boosts can effect level 4 or 5 of any skill

level 5 skills cannot be trained in any way with injected SP, or any kind of Bonus SP. Basically injectors really train up to lvl 4 and lower. This way only real way to get bonus SP is to play the actual game. You cant pay to win n max skills, and they cant SP farm as they can only extract lvl 4-5 that cant only be injected to train up to lvl 4. Makes it so you can move SP around, newbros can come up to speed much faster, but you cant master any skill without spending time playing the damn game, and implanting and attuning for it etc.


It’s also something they screwed up and did like, 2 months ago, got massive backlash on, and withdrew, claiming ‘oops, that was a mistake, we meant that for new accounts only’… only, you know, now it seems like… not.


I think the most vulnerable exploitation to this is one I haven’t seen anyone mention. Anyone with moderate video editing skills can speed up the video slightly (so it’s unnoticeable), and edit the game clock in post production. Do you think CCP is going to be running video frame-by-frame analytics on the winners?

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Do you really think this is actually going to engage people to be bothered?

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I think it’s going to do both. This being Eve, yes, someone’s going to think they’re clever and spend the time doing it. And honestly, by the time you’re already messing with video editing, this isn’t that much of an add, time-wise A few button clicks and an extra layer. And also, everyone else is going to realize the prize is going to go to the cheaters, and not bother trying to actually get the best legit time.

Ehh the prize isnt even worth the :effort:

Its just lame “Selfie with Mickey” bs


im a pretty new player (playing omega account for some time now) and stuff like this and some of the easy mode changes they did to exploration made me taking a break now, gonna play some elite dangerous for the next months (with same ingame name :slight_smile: )

i gonna check back in some months but im not sure if i should put all my time into eve… if they gonna make this mmo into carebear easy mode game too it’s all for nothing… again! and i cant take this retard stuff anymore!!
lost 2 of my most loved mmos because the devs always focus on the lowest type of casuals!
rip star wars galaxies and rip ultima online <3

im not sure if the devs did not learn from history but if u dont listen to the majority of ur community the game will die… slowly but it will die!! getting a new skill doesnt mean anything anymore!!

skill injectors, millions of free xp for every day u look into the game and also for oneshot retard npcs!

the next step would be to give players all skills and some titans for doing the tutorial! the handfull of carebears in eve would be sooo happy!! :slight_smile:

NO more $$MONEY$$ from me until i see that they stop with this easy mode madness!!!