With people complaining and whining about having to KILL ONE NPC, it’s probablyaa good thing so many people wont participate, makes it easier to win with less competition.
Apparently no one here is smart enough to figure out that the rules actually help them, instead of hinder them, but it requires more than four braincells so it’s understandable that most of the people here don’t get it.
Hey, numbskulls, read the rules and figure out why it’s actually very accessible for people to participate. Timer starts as soon as black screen ends. Black screen takes longer if your computer is slower. So if you have a weaker computer thats also struggling with a recording means longer black screens.
That opens up more time for your fleet members to fleet warp you as soon as you undock, even if your client is still in Black screen. You’ll load and time will start while you’re already in warp. Land, and alpha volley a rat with a single shot from artilleries. (those of you who think RoF matters here are just as dumb as the ones crying), you want to kill the rat as soon as possible, that means one hit from a high alpha weapon with no delay, so no missiles.
Use a Hyperspatial Rifter with 280mms and short range ammo like EMP or Phased Plasma, depending on the local rat type. Don’t use quake or tremor. Have your friends damage the rat and keep it webbed. Ez.
Congrats, you can now all compete effectively. Aim for 8 seconds if you can.
Well I dunno, man. Like I said, only been playing since summer 2013 (just after Odyssey expansion came out), so I can’t comment on 2003. But yes, a lot of people tend to romanticize the past, tend to think that the “good ol’ days” were better than the present, even when the opposite is true.
But just because that’s a natural human tendency doesn’t mean that things NEVER get worse in any particular subset of the world.
Watch some youtube videos about EVE lore. Especially stuff with Ashterothi or Makoto guesting. Check out some links (just a quick google for “EVE lore” turns up these right at the top:
im maybe new(a newbro ) to eve but this doesnt mean i dont know anything about the mmo/online genre, after 20years of gaming i know how things end up after making everything too easy and ‘‘casual like’’.
i still remember this hardcore carebear Girl (she hated pvp/pvpers soo much lol) in the old swg (pre-cu) forum, who said that if they change the game (remove/change the pvp system, and make pve so easy that u can afk everything) that only a handfull of so calld ‘‘hardcore gamers’’ will quit but millions of casuals will join the game! 2weeks after the update and tons of ingame and forum protests of the majority of the community (the hardcore gamers lol) the first wave of whole guilds quit the game… now u think ok now the swg devs from good old sony online did learn from their mistakes… HELL NO lol… next step was the nge but u can read about that nightmare if u want im done with that bs! and dont get me started on ultima online, anarchy online, dark age of camelot, everquest or vanilla wow! all these great games, destroyed because a small part of people hated to play online, to pay for a game every month, to be social or because they get ganked… u all know that stuff already. other games but same stories! and everytime it ends with casuals get what they want and the majority of real players starts to leave!
eve will end the same (i pray and hope that im wrong on this!!!) because devs will never learn or listen!! its only about fast $$$
Please update the rules for this contest, the only people that are going to win this are already high sp / isk pilots. Anchor a upwell station just off grid of a belt, use alt to get a frigate to low hull at said belt, fleet with alt, undock warp to alt click boom.
Should be NPC station only, and should have to kill the NPC solo.
its actually more that those people have only ever had the kill 1 for 10k thing while others are getting the “better” ones. not so much that the thing exists to begin with
Everything has its time and the time for your approach is over.
No one needs a second job in a mmog today.
Those are games and the TRUE meaning of games is just a single one : to entertain.
No PVP crap,no theory crafting,just tell a story,make it as simple as possible to play so we (the reasonable people) can do it and then move on to the next…
THIS is todays reality…
This is not “good” nor “bad” this is how it IS.
The time for your “demanding games” is simply over.
The entire contest as an idea is just garbage no matter how you turn it.
yes i know, the rules and ites easy and whatnot but really? lets say you want to create this contest and you expect that maybe 1000 people take part in. You cant …legit… expect 1000 people who maybe have NO relation to youtube/streaming or any of this to install a 3rd party recording/streaming software, set it up, figuring out potential issues with the 3rd party tool itself because of whatever their setup may be and then record something, eventually create a youtube account just for this aswell to upload something and … then you spend like what? an hour? maybe more? for a MAYBE chance of winning something…
while on the other hand they´re straight up selling 1mil skillpoint in the shop for 5 bucks.
just from the money/per hour perspective. why the fck would anyone do this? you re simply better of just working at your job and buy an skillinjector from that or buying this 5bucks thingy instead of doing this ■■■■ right here.
you just need to think a little casual here but eve is a game…what sort of people are usually playing those games? right. average people who get home from work and just wanna open up the game and play it. you cant by all mean expect those people to come home and WANT to mess around with recording softwares even tho they might have no clue about recording softwares.
i m all i n for ingame earned skill points, really. but if you cant do it ingame with what the game allows you to do and gives you… then simply dont do it. its simply too complicated to get into for the average person to enjoy. whats next?
Imagine this: a screenshot contest. BUT you re not allowed to just press print and send a jpg. NO
you need to buy a camera, make a photo of your screen, then print the image, then buy a scanner to scan in that printed image. then use a 3rd party software to print that scanned allready twice printed image onto a postcard and send this postcard to ccp via airmail.
THATS the stupididy lvl of this contest in a nutshell