Skin and support box

worked on my wifes account


Not saying that I like one system or the other, but this new reward system has some properties that the previous ‘get rewards that you can sell’ events do not have:

  • rewards are exclusive to people who log in during event
  • having multiple alpha accounts is not beneficial

I can see the benefits of it.

Looking forward to the reward, love flying logi! :smiley:

There is a misunderstanding on your part , I guess ?

There are 12 skins from the safeguarder family.

4 are rewarded as an alpha , the other 8 skin are randomly given through omega crate.

I doubt you’ll get the complete skin family 4 ( alpha) + maybe 4 different = max 8 skin .

I know you don’t like my “their” ( but english is not my first langage, not even second ).

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The skin has disappeared to each and every one of my alpha accounts.

You might want to look into this.

hmm what should I do if I did not get the skin after redeemed it before your fix.

It isn’t mine either.

Do you want tickets from every account that does not have the skin, cause of the redeem issue, or just wait and it will be given later…

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None of you are missing much by not getting that skin anyway. imo the skin in question is very ugly.

Perhaps it is useful for role playing.

Yep, three accounts, no skin.

I like the skin and since it’s a skin for logi ships it’s likely I’m going to use it. Yes I’m missing out if this doesn’t get fixed, as it’s impossible to buy these skins.

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Good day,

A quick update that the SKIN should be distributed after today’s downtime to all players who did not get the SKIN activated properly yesterday.


You do? Huh…well…ok… May you enjoy it, then.

Dont you think its a bit sad that we dont get a choice whether to activate the skin or collect them ? I have been collecting skins for many years and this is kinda umm sad that we cant jut collect them :frowning:


Dunno, maybe it’s appropriate that these particular skins can’t be sold for isk, as they are meant as a thank you from ccp for Plex for Good campaigns. Plus, if skins are available in those numbers, the price they get is token anyway. It’s still a nice gesture from CCP though, like the Monument in Reykjavik for the EvE pilots.



Skins still not being applied:



Yesterday’s skins showed up nicely today, both on alpha and omega accounts.
Today’s rewards worked without a glitch. The alpha skin for the Augoror activates immediately. The omega skin from the container shows up in the item hangar this time. If that was intentional, thank you.


Seems like an awful lot of effort has gone in to making sure we can’t sell these. I hope this isn’t a prelude to how SKINs will be acquired in the future, ie being activated directly from purchase.


The only good reason I see for the 2 delivering system of skin one direct applied and the second the old skin
is to prevent alpha from selling them : no free money ,
or maybe to prevent those who create countless accounts just to get more skin ( i don’t think this is a thing but in this game you never know) .

By the way the fix works perfectly.

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That’s about as good of a reason as taking away the one trit you get with your newb ship to prevent capsuleers from repeatedly blowing themselves up to stockpile trit and sell it. If every single player who logs in gets a skin, then the skin is effectively valueless. Worth a few ISK at best.

This entire thing was a waste of coding time that could have been better spent elsewhere. First code it poorly. Then try to fix it. Then try to fix it again. And again. And again.

Some of the things the CCP/PA higher-ups come up with has me shaking my head.