SMT : Eve Map Tool

Hey Slaz, thanks for the extra Thera signatures. The universe map looks great. I think you can apply the “Amarr color” to Genesis, Khanid and Derelik too since they have Blood/Sansha rats as you can see in this map:

Overall it looks very good!

Hey everyone,

A sneak peak of the next feature im working on (well one I wrote most of and then put on the back burner and am now back to it!) :slight_smile:

I’ve hooked the tool upto the ZKillBoard (RedisQ) Feed and I can now see a basic live feed of any kills as an overlay (in purple above)…

I’m currently just caching the kills and totalling them up… What would be the most useful way of extending this ? Currently I keep 10 minutes of data and its just a simple number of kills in the last 10 minutes with no filtering either way…


@Slazanger looks awesome. I love this tool so much :wink:

SMT continues to fail to load for me after I ran it for the first time (v 0.40). I am getting this error when I try to launch it (from the event viewer) – I can post the entire log if you’d like:

Application: SMT.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.NullReferenceException
   at SMT.MainWindow.RegionRC_RegionChanged(System.Object,     System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs)
   at SMT.RegionControl.OnRegionChanged(System.String)
   at SMT.RegionControl.SelectRegion(System.String)
   at SMT.RegionControl.Init()
   at SMT.MainWindow..ctor()

I’ll take a look at this when I get a chance; Does it still occur if you delete the MapConfig.dat file ?

@Slazanger deleting the mapconfig.dat file doesn’t seem to help :\ these are the three errors that are thrown:

let me know if you’d like the complete error text

I can see the issue (although not repro it locally)… I’ll get a fix pushed when I can

Hey Slaz o/ Not sure what you’re asking as far as the Zkill feed but if you’re wondering how to display the killmails it could look like this?

Or a fixed/floating window that would pop up when you click on “ship kills last hour” on the toolbar, and when you right click on a killmail you can choose “view all kills involving this ship/player/corp/alliance” --> “in this system”/“everywhere”. I don’t use that much zkill intel, sorry if those suggestions are completely out of the loop x)

On a side note I’m a bit confused about the security color for certain 0.5 systems. Some are yellow (highsec ingame) and others are light orange (lowsec ingame?). For example in The Forge:

Wirashoda, Uchoshi, Mastakomon, Vouskiaho and Vasala are all 0.5 systems but have different colors.

Yeah, looks like the wrong value (<0.5) is being set to color the systems.

The true sec status of each of those systems is:

“name”: “Wirashoda”, “security”: 0.4936357904460346
“name”: “Uchoshi”, “security”: 0.4741790497704052
“name”: “Mastakomon”, “security”: 0.456966103874352
“name”: “Vasala”, “security”: 0.4937122828667515

In game, they are rounded to 1 decimal, and anything >= 0.5 is highsec, even though their true sec is less than 0.5 (in reality, anything >=0.45 is highsec).

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That makes sense! So all the systems may have this problem then, not just the 0.5? For example:

Leurtmar and Embod have 1.0 security (like Ryddinjorn) but have 0.9 color (like Illuin).

Would seem so. The program is probably out by 0.05 on it’s values.

name": “Leurtmar”, “security”: 0.9578976431696301
“name”: “Embod”, “security”: 0.9607494002658415

Both are 1.0 in game, but in reality, 1.0 is anything >=0.95

Hey @Slazanger,
gratz! SMT works like a charm, even INTEL scan works as expected.

(as expected, now comes the payload :slight_smile: )
We use in various Intel messages like “Jita clr” or "“Jita clear” to indicate all neuts have left a system.

In intel it’s a system all-clear but appear as a “neut warning” in SMT.

May I suggest to add some strings as “system clear” identifiers, e.g. to a IntelClear.txt file? If such string appear together with a system name in a intel SMT will consider this as a system clear identifier.

And yes, this will allow some chars like “clr” and “clear” to fly below the radar, a risk we should keep in mind.

Thanks in advance

I’ll take a look at the security status rounding, looks like it may be rounding to the nearest 0.1…

For clearing systems out of the list its been on the todo list for a while; i’ll take a look when i can

Hey all…

Just an FYI I’ve just noticed the new chat system has broken the non-esi based tracking as the formatting has changed slightly… I’ll try and get a fix out for this tomorrow when im fully back online (been AFK all week).

Another new version : 0.41 Zkill + Fixes

  • Fix for non-esi characters not tracking due to the new chat system
  • Fixed the rounding for displaying the system security colours
  • Added ZKill Feed

The ZKill feed can be seen both on the map, and in the new ZKB Feed tab. In the tab you can see the kills from the last 10 minutes as they happen, if you double click on them it will open the zkillboard link, if you right click you can also go to the system on the map.

In addition the Map will show purple circles with the kills on them (growing/shrinking as with intel).

Source and binaries are available here :

As always let me know if you have any issues / feedback / ideas :slight_smile:


Another Minor Release : 0.42

  • Jump bridges which cross regions should now properly render (some wouldnt previously)
  • Tweaked the ZKillBoard Feed

The main change is the ZKB feed now is a little more useful :

It now displays the system, Victim’s alliance and the type of ship killed

Additionally you can enable/disable the “Current Region only” toggle which will filter the list view to contain only kills from the selected region


And finally… if you have an ESI linked character selected it will colour the kill based off your standings :smile:

Source and binaries available here :

As always let me know if you have any issues / feedback


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Another Small Release : 0.43

  • Added the option to display 0.0 system security colours by TrueSec status
  • Adjusted the intel parsing so it should work a little better, particularly for non-english loc
  • Adjusted the colours in the Intel feed

When the show system security is enabled it now alters the red such that it gets darker with the -1.0 truesec systems being nearly black. This can be disabled if needed in the map config.

Source and binaries available here :

As always let me know if you have any issues / feedback



Keep up the good work!

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You make a biggerst work with this tool, but dont offer possibilty to choice system range for intel alarm is real problem.


Another small release : 0.44

  • Active Incursions now shown on map
  • bug fixes surrounding follow
  • double click on zkb feed to open kill in browser

Updates to Jump Navigation mode :

  • change to display of “in range” options for either flood fill or highlight
  • lock for bridging system to aid in cross region hunting

When you enable the jump range display by default it will now outline the systems like this…

however if you toggle off the outline in the map config

it will colour the systems that are in range like this…

I’ve also added a lock which is useful if your navigating cross region as its easy to misclick and reset your bridging start point :


if you tick this; you wont reset your bridging/jump start point when you click on a system… it will also display above the toolbar where its displaying the range from :


Source and binaries available here :

As always let me know if you have any issues / feedback


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