Snooping around the Russian forums can be very entertaining

Here are just a few of the honorable mentions.

“you have a hole in resistors in the head”

“I’ll throw somebody, but he’ll start twisting like a woman”

You tried to read the Eulu? If yes, then explain is available. Here, nothing belongs to you. I can not be robbed by billions because they do not belong to me by the DUI. Everything belongs to the SSR. (soviet socialist republic).

“You probably did not understand what I mean. I meant that, for example, I will throw a man, he will begin to feed me, I will roll him a pet and be banned”

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Any cat ?

The Chinese forums could be even more entertaining in this aspect. There are way more ranting than this forum and reddit added together.

This kinda reads like the AI produced Harry Potter chapter.

Good, these intertain me.

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