So my man play this game

Just got Rosada Dawn skin for my mackinaw given to me, I hade no idea there was pink colours on ships. Thank you Tankana!

True dat. There are a lot of thirsty neckbeards in this thread.

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Seems they are still dribbling also!

And you are qualified to state that?
Just post this here!

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Train up your weapons skills.

Then gank your man.

If heā€™s a good man, heā€™ll understand.

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Here is a thought, instead of being in competition with your partner play it with him, you will learn more from him and any corp you join than any where. Oh and as a woman eve player myself I find this thread with its white nights and handouts vomit inducing.


You shouldjoin an established corporation that can teach you the intricacys of the game. Accepting gifts of skill injectors isk and ships isnt going too show your partner you are good at the game, itll just show him you are a helpless women who needs handouts to achieve anything.


Lol, whatā€™s this thread about then?

Gavreel is correct, you and your man should be drifting through the stars together holding hands.

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And holding a laser pistol in the otherā€¦ while transferring cash from the otherā€™s wallet at the same time as well. A sight of true :heart: EVE style. :wink:


Iā€™m trying to talk my girlfriend into playing eve, good news so far is she hasnā€™t said no. she hasnā€™t said yes either. If she does start playing it would be so cool just to have another set of eyes and ears around here, we could do limited pvp ops and really make a good name for ourselves.

Iā€™ve made progress that has impressed her, she likes designing characters in Sims 4, Iā€™m showing her it has a similar character creation in Eve.

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That is very true. Now that i have played for a time its quite apparent, but when i started it was not as much.

Hum, yes you are right. He can just be so stubborn at times, and i joined this game to show How wrong his statement was. Now i dont really think the same, and also after having a quite stressfull christmas it feels great to be back in the game.

Iā€™m sure you can find a way to reach her heart even through the vast beautiful universe of eve.

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How is your man in 2019?

he is fine thank you :smiley:

I always applaud funny high effort begging threads!
Iā€™m not going to give you ISK, but my applause is definitely yours!



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My brainā€™s always blindly assuming that any thread I see must have been updated relatively recently, otherwise it wouldnā€™t be shown so far on top, or in the bottom bar at ā€¦ uh ā€¦ the bottom.

Itā€™s not the case, though, and me not learning it is pissing me off! :blush:


are you sure your not a pirate?

The stupidification of our children is sheer endless.
Pirates not taking other peoplesā€™ properties ā€¦ yeeeaaahhhh, suuuuuure!

Also, btw! Youā€™re* :blush:

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