“The Aryan Master Race” was a joke mocking how much of a 1337 HIGH LVL HAXOR you are. I’m afraid the projection is on your part.
No it wasn’t. It’s a tactic straight out of the sjw handbook. When your insults fail and fail again, let’s go back to the handy racist card. You are a piece of ■■■■.
“It’s You, not everyone else”
It’s definitely you.
No, you have stated a few women have played eve at some point. This is proof that I am sexist because I called you a Big Epic Real Man and said:
This is Big Billionare Big Moneyshot Spaceship Simulator Vigya Gaem with a side of Big Epenis pvp winrers eLiteS rUle No Girls aLLowEd!!@!1!!11!
sliding your sexism into mockery doesn’t change anything. You see, when you project, you’re exposing your own thought process. You aren’t exposing anyone else’s thought process. I’m not sure why you’re still sitting there saying women don’t play EVE but also asking me to prove your sexism to you.
You being an asshole I am fine with. Degrading me because of my current social status, I am not fine with.
Too bad, buddy. I’m going to degrade everything about you. That’s life.
However, I confused you with another moron. It’s kind of hard to tell when you refer to someone as “bottom of the barrel”.
So you’re so emotional that you can’t even keep basic things like Names straight in your head? You are bottom of the barrel, it’s plain for anyone to see.
From that, one can extrapolate that World of Warcraft dominated your video game knowledge and experience, in that you held it in such high regard that you didn’t think you were smart enough to play it. I know, thought process is hard to understand.
Karen The Kraken:
Dang, @Remi_Lacroix laid it down. I should have placed a bet.
wow, that guy lano_oko is really reporting everything that makes him look stupid. I wonder if he knows that people can just click “show hidden text” and still see how stupid he looks.