To be fair, World of Warcraft was like ninety percentile of the revenue of entire MMO industry. MMO’s were never big to begin with. It was just that one unicorn that made it seem big. I didn’t even know it was an massive multiplayer game until I stumbled upon a free to play Chinese clone of it. I just though World of Warcraft was some weird blizzard game at the Walmart store that only adults are smart enough to play. I thought this because of the subscription and the “bazillions of expansions”. I didn’t realize I was the target audience. My parents wouldn’t have payed for the subscription anyways. Expansions and subscriptions were not normal back then. I was too used to “buy all of the game at once and play it forever, no transactional extras” model of yesteryear. I have the privilege of growing up though the butchering of said model. Fun times.
I envy you old fucks. Your games are way better.