As @Maximilian_Wulffe and others have pointed out, the problem wasn’t with CCP breaking promises, the problem was with people confusing a work of fiction written for marketing purposes with actual reality.
Sadly, far too many people accepted this bit of roleplaying as a guarantee and went right back to paying their subs to CCP and Hilmar’s paycheck, rather than demanding actual change.
I’m not dissing CCP or Hilmar doing what they needed to do to keep the subs rolling in - their first priority is keeping CCP afloat and keeping as many of their team employed as they can. The focus was on maximizing dollars rather than gameplay for a long time now. I certainly believe that if players had more consistently voted with their dollars and their feet rather than keep throwing cash at CCP for poorly designed and sloppily implemented changes, we’d have a better game today.
CCP’s focus has been on “find ways to make the existing player base fork over more cash, and try to retain some of the new ones coming in”. My own outlook has always been that if CCP did what it took to build a better game (which would include hiring someone to run the company who’s actually competent to do so, and hiring someone to re-design the game who’s also competent), then the dollars would follow because more people would be more interested in playing and paying.
That line of thinking is as fanciful as believing Hilmar’s fairy tales, of course, so I guess I’m just as guilty as anyone.
That’s like saying “My idea of a better car might be different from your idea of a better car”. Design choices are a matter of taste. Design principles are based on things like “4 wheels works better than 3” and “If your car is going to be used for long drives, it should be reasonably comfortable” and “Brakes are probably a good idea”.
Eve can’t and won’t appeal to everyone’s taste. They could, however, stop designing uncomfortable 3-wheeled cars with no brakes for the game, to the benefit of all.
Which is my point, there are no decisions to the benefit of all other than “don’t create bugs and problems”. This forum can’t even agree on a single point: resists nerf bad, resists nerf good. Ganking bad, ganking good. Etc etc.
“make good design choices” sounds nice but that’s because it’s vague and open to everyone’s own interpretation, the second they suggest any sort of actual change some people will like it and others will not. And, invariably, the ones who don’t like it will say that it hurts the game and people will leave while the other side will say “lol who cares”. Rinse repeat.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m with you on CCP making less dumb decisions but at the same time they’re trying to keep two vocal camps at peace which isn’t going to work. The ONLY way to REALLY go forward is for CCP to make a choice, to “side” with one camp openly and obviously. Until then it’s just going to be more raging, ■■■■ posting and whining from all sides. They won’t of course because that WILL hurt their income but from a design pov it would be best.
It’s funny how very little has changed in these last 10 years.
Sorry but you are incorrect. It’s the same kind of thinking that’s bogged CCP down for the last 12 years or so. “PvP or PvE, who do we favor next?”. It’s not an either-or, zero sum proposition.
It’s a very simple change, that benefits the overall game balance and if done correctly, adds positive value to PvE, PvP, and traders/haulers as well, while also making things less farmable for bots.
The notion that forum raging has anything to do with proper game design is completely misunderstanding what actual ‘game design principles’ are. They’re not about catering to one group or the other group. They’re about designing the game mechanics and reward systems so that actual gameplay is more rewarding and engaging, for the majority of gamers.
To that I very much agree. However, for some play styles it would be a big change and I bet that many people will dislike the change would it happen and would state that it’s not beneficial to them.
Who are you, I or anyone else to say that it’s “fine” in this case just because we agree to that change? Because, clearly, it’s not to the benefit of all.
For instance, changing bounties to drops brings back gun mining meaning normal miners will get less income.
I wholeheartedly disagree. I would provide supporting arguments for my assertion, but why should I put in the effort to justify my claims, and expose myself to counter arguments, when I can just suggest that the only reason you disagree with me is because you failed to properly research the topic.
Okay, let me try again. I was gently ribbing you for making an assertion without providing any supporting arguments. And no, a source is not the same thing as a supporting argument. Also, it is kind of humorous that you keep insinuating that people are uneducated. I can only imagine what your papers look like?
Okay, first of all, you didn’t just quit –you biomassed all your accounts (presumably save this one). Which means you have no intention of coming back; which means you aren’t here posting ship in a misguided attempt to push the game in a positive direction. You are posting ship because you’re intentionally trying to sabotage player morale and the game.
Wow… Hanging around a community in order to deliberately ruin other people’s fun. Just, wow.
Second, you mentioned toxicity on the forums. You do realize that you’re one of the toxic ones right? The whole reason you made this thread was to be an agitator, and you are accusing people of being uneducated for not outright agreeing with you. Well, good job on not only being toxic, but for being a hypocrite about it.
Third, I live in the States, and I’ve seen people from both sides of the political spectrum accuse people of the opposite side of being stupid and uneducated. If they were more understanding and reasonable, they might conclude that one of the biggest reasons people have different political beliefs is not because they’re stupid, but because people have different values, morals, priorities, and life experiences. Of course, they’re not reasonable and understanding. So, conservatives call liberals “libtards,” and liberals name drop Dunning Krueger on the reg and assume that conservatives are all uneducated and ignorant.
So, congratulations on being as understanding and reasonable as the average person from a nation that elected Donald Trump as president and thinks chocolate milk comes from brown cows.