So whats the Deal with BattleShip WarpSpeeds?

“And if we are going simple by name… Isn’t an interceptor a type of jet which is leagues faster than any naval vessel.”

Yeah and an interceptor would have a limited range and would have to stop mid warp a dozen times when crossing a 70+ AU system. Where as a battleship would make it in warp one no problem

Balance beat realism 10 times out of 10.

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HOI4 does a fairly good job of simplifying/emulating fleet battles.

As relevant to this thread, battleships etc move slower and arrive to the site of the battle later than faster vessels which are the first engagers. They also have stats which optimize them for engaging larger vessels.

Furthermore, if an enemy fleet has no screening vessels, the slower vessels are immediately engaged by smaller/faster vessels against which the larger/slower ships are less capable and have difficulty escaping.

OP seems to want faster BS, so that he can solo with his BS.
Thats well and fine, but its short-sighted, since it screws the ship class cascade, and basically means why fly a frigate/cruiser except for price considerations.

Faster ships scout and engage, slower ships arrive once that has happened to bring bigger guns to bare.

Speed is the Achilles Heel of BS, as otherwise they have EHP and firepower far greater than any smaller ship class.

Id suggest to OP he fly BCs instead. They are somewhere in the middle, and albeit perhaps a bit too expensive atm, allow for quite a variety of fits with good firepower, ehp and speed vs both smaller and larger targets.

What’s the deal with BS warpspeeds? Everything. It’s just boring gameplay to watch your ship waaaaaaarpinnnng. CCP seems to not understand that “because of balance”.


Alt-tab meanwhile or whatever.

It is not, BS already align slower, smaller vessels will already be faster at the destination point, and I don’t mean to reverse the change just adjust warp speed of BSs.

Alignment is determined by various conditions which warp speed is not.

If BS warp as fast as cruisers/BC or even frigates, it will not be possible to pursue and tackle them unless you drop out of warp right ontop of them.

I know at least one module and one rig that affect warp speed.

You don’t takle BS in BC or Crusier, we have ships for that they are called interceptors. Even if they warp as fast as smaller hulls they still align slower.

  1. There is no module/rig which affects a targets warp speed.

  2. Ofc a BS can be tackled by a cruiser/BC.

What? first you wrote

Now it’s about target?

Ofc you can, you can do it even with other BS. The point is BS warp speed mustn’t be so slow to do that. Because they already slow to start into warp speed already.

  1. Ofc we are talking about targets. Arent you?

  2. Warp speed determines how fast a ship passes from location A to location B. When that ship starts the alignment process inorder to warp is incidental and arbitrary. Nothing prevents you from initiating alignment before someone else.

No, you were relating to my post and I didn’t wrote about target alignment and warp.

How can we not be talking about targets?
This is EVE.

So you are talking about time spent in warp in isolation of everything else?

Perhaps then every ship should travel in warp at Shuttle speeds?

because I don’t get what you meant by that. Attacker don’t have that module or there is no module/rigs that could enhance target speed?

I meant there is no way to affect a targets warp speed.
Sorry if I was unclear.

would such module be usefull at all? Like enhanced web or something?

I dont think it would be practical, since there is no way to engage a target during warp (except bubbles).

I mean if BS warp speed is improved, what about other ship classes?
Wouldnt their base warp speed need to be increased as well?

before enter the warp. Like warp debuff.

Significaly increased BS and diminished from BSs other classes.

Can you give hard numbers?

And what about transport/mining ships?

BC=3.3 AU and so on (0.3 AU)

Warping speed is too slow for some hulls (BS) and too fast which make space feels small, like ceptors.