Socket closed just started popping up when i open more than 3 clients wtf CCP
Yeah, nothing works in the client atm. Can’t open inventories, load orders or anything. But I’m still connected, apparently.
I got the same issue as soon as I tried opening a 2nd client
-10 fleet members lel. gg would fight again.
can confirm - multiple socket closures!
Socket closed and cannot complete handshake to log back in
Getting same thing, constant socket closed on all accounts and can’t log back in most of the time, failing handshake.
fleet members keep DC’ing every minute, this is effecting my gameplay, theres not even tidi in my system
First client goes unresponsive then socket closed… then again unresponsive for 2 mins… waiting for the next socket closed
CCP FIX YOUR server please
!!! socket closed !!!
Socket closes on multiple occasions on multiple toons in a bunch of different places.
OH great now the FC cant log back in, the people that keep this game alive cant even log in
Thought it was just me, it’s clearly not. I can reconnect but I’m getting constant socket closed messages on all my accounts whilst web and mumble remains up.
I have dropped 5 times in past hour so I ask, WTF CCP .
On a more constructive note I believe this is affecting EU people
at the moment
Add another to the list. I predict an unscheduled server restart…
dc’d 3 times on 09/09/2018
socket closed for the 9th time in the last 30 mins. Real fun this.
This is time to get back this “DDOS” damage control unit. Really, CCP, fix your game. Oh wait, it’s not yours anymore.
I’ve “Socket Closed Connection Lost” message quite frequently for the past several years. Sometimes several times a day. This is persistent problem. Are developers going to fix it someday?