[SoERR] Assistance in the current Empire crisis

See, a “Matari loyalist with no prior history” would be viewed with suspicion by PIE but not considered necessarily a hostile target. A “Matari loyalist with a history of shooting Amarr” is pretty obviously a hostile.

I currently work for the state, your allies. Would my corporation’s humanitarian subdivision be considered a hostile actor in this? I’ve also stated many times I fought for the defense of our people and culture for the majority. Am I on that rather large list you have of hostiles?

Asking to see the boundaries of your list…

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Pretty much every loyalist entity in AmarrBloc has combat history with my people.

That is actually a quite good test case. I would have to do a good deal of research into your personal history, to be sure.

You were a prominent enough hostile that I have distinct memories of repeated hostile contact, but off the top of my head all of those were in the context of the CONCORD sanctioned warzone.

My hunch, without having done the work of reviewing more than the last page of your killboard, is we would consider you personally a probable threat but not take that as an indicator for the rest of your corporation and alliance.


I would hope Heiicon, who if I’m not mistaken has had joint ops with PIE would check out well. I also would just like to clarify in my last post: “defense of our people and culture” referred to the Republic itself. I believe this is similar to pie’s doctrine if I’m not mistaken. I wasn’t referring to the “we come for our people” cliche. If they came to us it would be a different situation honestly and we would support, in the Republic sphere of influence that is.

Helicon certainly is not a problem. And even if you had been more of an aggressive threat in the past, you alone would not be enough for us to have a serious problem with them.

I’m sorry for constantly pressing this line of questioning, but substitute “I” for my corp. I really just want to know the limit where humanitarian efforts are seen as hostile intent.

I wish to know exactly how any humanitarian aid efforts taken by my corporation would be seen and whether the attempts of my corporation to, surprisingly maybe, to not be seen as aggressors in this delicate situation requiring armed defense for what really shouldn’t require such a thing. I think I can speak for the rest of my corporation when I say we are moved by the plight of these people and wish to offer any form of non violent comfort we can. Do I need to worry about those who wish to choose a non violent path in this situation being casualties?

Please don’t take this line of questioning as anything other than it is. Since the inception of us taking our contract with the state, our R.OE. involving the Amarrs’ aligned entities has been a gray area. I simply ask to know if we should assume our presence is considered hostile, as well as declare our non violent intentions.

Thank you.

You are describing activities we would consider neutral.

Though, I admit a corp you personally are in will almost certainly receive more scrutiny for it’s actions if you were on the field here than one that did not include someone we have actively had to shoot.

But, assuming your description here is accurate, your organization is not remotely in the same category as Electus Matari.

I would honestly hope not. Thank you, I think I can rest at least a little at ease.

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Who made you the authority on this? Amarr Empire allowed EM pilots to fly in Amarr Empire, and to anchor a base in Amarr Empire. CONCORD allowed EM pilots to fly in Amarr Empire and to anchor a base in Amarr Empire.

But Lord Doodah the Snooty III of Zippedidoo has issues with EM anchoring their base in Amarr Empire, so obviously we must all bow to his authority. Because he’s, like, REALLY IMPORTANT!

PIE might be Empire loyalists, but they’re not the ones actually running the Empire. If you don’t like the way the Amarr Empire is being run, maybe you should, I don’t know, start a revolt or something.


PIE gave me that authority when they made me an Admiral thirteen years ago. As should be obvious, I speak for PIE and not for Amarr or CONCORD. Given that PIE has operated in a similar manner to what I describe here for that entire time, it seems rather unlikely that Amarr had a problem with it.

It is also especially unlikely that the Empress would have honored PIE by creating the Excubitoris Chapter of the Sacred Throne Order if she disapproved of how we operated towards people and groups who run anti-Amarr operations.

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Well, pack it in boys. He’s space important and special. It would seem we’re done here.

Well well well, the MIO swarming the one Electus Matari structure in the system while there’s two owned by Angel loyalists around the very same planet.


Priorities priorities, Impies.
At the very least have the common courtesy of waiting until the owners are available.

Edit: Well, it would seem neither MIO nor the loyalist capsuleers in the system are interested in actually doing anything at the location, so I suppose they get to sit and posture for a while.


They seem to be at the North Pole Angel structure and Darkar’s citadel as well. Though, not at Samira’s citadel for some reason.

Slow deployers it seems. They weren’t at either of the other two locations initially. Almost looks like someone’s very slowly sending them out to a citadel at a time.

Ah, there they come. It seems that Samira Kernher rates a battleship deployment.

Relatively small one, without logistics support, but indeed.

… I dearly hope they don’t think they can do without logistics support.

SoERR has no more interest in a conflict with the Ministry of Internal Order than we do with other Amarrian forces on orbit.

We have not started aggressive maneuvers in system so far and it would be appreciated if MIO refrained from provoking them.

Any Roughriders on the field: hold fire unless necessary for self-defense.

Elsebeth Rhiannon
CEO, SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari

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The necessary paperwork has been filed for the Excubitoris Chapter to shoot at more than Electus Matari mobile depots.

Very well then, Admiral.

To those interested, in plain language, we have been wardecced by PIE, after clear encouragement and blessing by official Amarr Empire forces. This is a clear provocation and not just from capsuleer forces but also internationally, which I will take it up with the appropriate authorities.

To allied parties and our people on ground: this will be an additional complication that will necessitate increased security and third-party haulers. Delays will no doubt ensue. We will do our outmost best to ensure this will not lead to further loss of life.