[SoERR] Humanitarian aid in the current Empire crisis

May you be correct, pilot.


I really hope no one attacks my hometown. That’s Caille on Gallente Prime. You got that? CAILLE on GALLENTE PRIME.

I have fond memories growing up there. The sights, the people. I would dearly miss them all.

And on an unrelated note, if this humanitarian effort stops being humanitarian, remember how many jumps you are from 1DQ.

Trust me - I am well aware.

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I’ll probably evemail you inside a couple of days about logistics (the “moving things” kind, dear Summit; not the “not dying while killing stuff” kind).

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I think we can at least all agree that you know the difference between logistics and tactics, Elsebeth, and probably wouldn’t announce the coordination of the latter. I’d like to think we all have that much respect for you, at the very least…


This has been a particularly trying time, and my grief has affected how well I am able to articulate myself. Sa-Baron Chakaid, I did not slander the Kingdom or its people; I stated the perpetrators were within the Kingdom, and that is where I did not communicate clearly. While we have strong suspicions the vile agents of this attack may have originated there, we cannot be certain. Therefore, I apologize to any Faithful within the Kingdom that took my words as an attack on our Brothers and Sisters who reside there.

The unity of the Empire and Kingdom is not in peril, only the heretical agents and their servants within need fear. Our people are one with God, nothing will change that. My prayer is that His Highness Lord Sarum, now Inspector General of the MIO, swiftly brings those to justice that would cause harm to the Empire, Kingdom, Mandate - all of God’s people. Surely, we can agree on that, Sa-Baron Chakaid?

I would like to personally thank the Imperial 7th Fleet and Royal Khanid Navy for their ongoing relief operations.

Despite the efforts of heretics, terrorists, and agents of the Deceiver, in the end Amarr will endure - victorious.

Also, Aga-Count Chakaid of Kahah III, Sa-Baron of Ves-Sefris, Zirsem V, Colonel General of the 19th Royal Uhlans, Plenipotentiary Representative of His Majesty Farokh Khanid III; if you would like to tell Ms Rhiannon to leave the area, be my guest, I am sure she shall obey you.


I humbly accept your gracious apology.

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We all know what you meant.

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Newelle wins the gold in the 100m walkback.

Next event: the distance ass-kiss.


What steps are you taking to avoid that, Ms Rhiannon?
How and why would anyone within the Empire, or elsewhere, take you at your word when your last “humanitarian” deployment included shuttling guns to terrorists to encourage more death?

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They’d have to actually be there.

Also not there.

Simple ones: Bring a combat force and a few hundred very bored Megathron pilots may come and destroy it. And any structures that combat force uses.

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Congratulations on your new title, Aga-Count Chakaid; may you continue to wax strong in wisdom and power.

What steps are you taking to crush this terrorist scum?

So far we’ve had nothing but liberals flapping gums with lessers, anti-Kingdom bile and mealy-mouthed apologies from your quarter. Now you dicker with an avowed foe of Holy Amarr over her evil efforts to capitalize on the suffering of Amarr colonists.

All while the Royal Navy, 7th Fleet and my own Uhlans are attending to the aftermath of the ravaging and devastation inflicted by Blooder filth.

Less of the open mouth operations. More open gunport operations.

I have the honor to be,


Aga-Count Chakaid of Kahah III,
Sa-Baron of Ves-Sefris, Zirsem V,
Colonel General of the 19th Royal Uhlans,
Plenipotentiary Representative of His Majesty Farokh Khanid III

You do know the empire navies aren’t always in locations we can actually scan down?

I know a ‘security cordon’ shouldn’t let a supercarrier waltz on through the way mine did twice in the last 24h.

Why not? Independent capsuleers have full freedom of movement under CONCORD law. The cordon is presumably against Blood Raider fleet elements.

With Respect,

I know I have not been invited to comment by any of my betters, and therefore I humbly offer my sincerest apologies for speaking out of turn. I wish, however, to give voice to my thoughts, as insignificant as they may be.

That The Empire faces an enemy without is an everyday fact. That we also face an enemy, indeed even enemies, within is also obvious. That both these groups, whosoever they may be, seek to weaken us by causing division and distrust is also a fact.

We subjects of Her Most Imperial Majesty must remain Faithful and Steadfast in God, knowing that we, as God’s Chosen, shall prevail. We must also trust that the Inquisition of His Highness Lord Sarum, as well as the Intelligence Agencies of the Empire, both military and civilian, will uncover the enemies within, and that when they do, these enemies shall be dealt with, again whosever they may be, and wheresoever they may lurk.

In the meantime, the Defenders of the Empire, all of them, must work together to defeat and eradicate the enemies we can see. First, those who pose an immediate and clear threat, such as the vile heretics who have performed such a hideous act, and then those other enemies as present themselves, wherever they may come from.

I am no military strategist, I have no place to suggest what my superiors and betters should and should not do, nor do I seek to, but the things I say are things I would like to witness happen, were God in Infinite Mercy to grant such wishes.

Nor do I have any illusions that those who have no loyalty to the Empire, or who actively despise us will hark to these words, though I shall speak them regardless. Before you undertake the actions you feel are best, I humbly ask that you consider the potential consequences of those very actions. That you have no love for us, I accept, yet if there is but a shred of humanity within your heart, remember that many, many innocent lives have been lost because of the selfish, wicked actions of those who had more power than they, the power to inflict evil and harm. Those like us, the capsuleers. Will inflicting more make for a better life for the innocents? I think not.

Surely we, creations of the greatest power, with the greatest potential to harm, also have the greatest responsibility to protect the less powerful, and the powerless?

I offer apologies again if I have spoken weakly, out of turn, and perhaps without clear point, though I hope my meaning can be discerned should it not be clear enough.

Amarr Victor,

Ensign Lady Ekaterina Mariya deSilvestris.



As usual you’ve managed to hit the nail right on the thumb. It should not come as a surprise that in a place of discussion, words are exchanged. Just as you’ve managed to threaten the homes, families and loved ones of Praetorians and still have not taken any action to such ends. Perhaps that’s why we’ve been so fortunate that you’re always so quick to respond when the Blood Raiders attack? You were already in the neighbourhood?

It was the Excubitoris Chapter that called out this terrorist organisation for what they are and backed it with evidence. There is a long and continued history, backed by evidence, showing the actions we have taken and continue to take. I look forward to seeing you similarly follow your words with action when you finally crush this terrorist, or take any action to that end.

If you seek to find division throughout The Empire, there will be division. If you seek to find hatred toward you in every word we speak, hatred will be there. If you seek a reason to begin a war, war will be found.

Be mindful of what you seek, Sa-Baron. We will continue searching for the truth. We will continue searching to prove our faith. And our commitment is endless.

Admiral of the Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris,
Paladin Commander of the Excubitoris Chapter of the Sacred Throne Order,
hon. Fabricator-General of the Imperial Navy


I’ll have our humanitarian aid wing ready and waiting and inform the other parties of our initiative to provide support if the need arises.


Why are you thinking so small, Sa-Baron? Gunports? Please. House Sarum deployed supercapital assets in response to this attack.

(Of course, the fact that the Blooders did not enter Delve through the 1-SMEB gate kind of limits where they did go.)

Really, though.

I am a bit curious as to why the Uhlans are there. When I made moves to deploy the 331st Sarum Hussars to Thebeka, I was told it was a House Ardishapur affair. When the 331st was ready to deploy to Kahah, I was told it was a House Khanid affair. I admit I’m just a dumb crayon-eater, but did the Kingdom get domain over planets in Aridia? I thought that was Kador.

I’m hoping your lordship would illuminate this for me.