And you’re the third alt? Keep it to offers, will you
Then that would make 63 of Dramiona the last valid one.
Fine, I am willing to give 63.5B
Thanks for your bid!
You’re welcome, you can see my auction records, all are real bids
Good morning!
Lowered BO to 65b and this toon can be yours!
I think you should seriously consider the price of 63.5B, maybe I can raise it to 64B
as discussed ingame, i accept the 64b offer and will initiate transfer upon receiving ISK and account info.
recieved ISK. awaiting account name to be able to transfer.
Transfer to account, already sent in email
We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.
Character Name: ProXcaliber Aldent
Will be completed after: 1/18/2020 9:40:30 PM
I am truly sorry I have the isk but I had an emergency trip out of town and will not be back till late next week.
is this toon still for sale?
Is this character still for sale?
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