entitled? You have no idea what you are talking about. STFU
I have read the replies and processed them. Some I agree, some I dont, as is my prerogative. Thats not entitlement, thats called having free will and thinking for yourself.
I am not asking to change your precious group balance. But there are many activities in EVE that are solo oriented.
Trading, Hauling, running missions, exploration, just to name a few. People have also set up multi-boxing situations to get around your group balance.
And even though I am talking about this game specifically, I will try to repond to your comment about other mmo’s. True, you cannot do raid content solo, unless you are Asmongold, but there are plenty of activities to do outside of raid content, like questing. Whether or not I choose to do that raid content is my business. But if I enjoy the way I play it, then what does the company care if they still get my subscription.
Does solo play hurt anyone else who prefers to play in a group? NO
Does my solo play hurt the game in anyway? NO
Does CCP care if I pay my subscription and play solo? YES, they want to get paid.
Does CCP care if I lose interest and stop paying? YES.
Next correction for you is on the word whining. The definition is all about sound, or tone of voice. If you hear whining, then its all in your own head. I am not whining. I am making a request. I also try to explain my position to others who dont seem to get it. In your case, my expectations are low for your understanding.