Solution to suicide gankers?

Until you complete such a task you will never know yourself.


The nice thing about being me, is that I know what is what, and who is who, and I have no obligation to explain anything to you.

Ah the typical answer ‘YoU dOnT kNoW uTiL yOu Do It’

No. The ganker KNOWS they will lose their cheap ship, some security status and a kill right. The gankee never knows what’s going to happen when they undock

Just popping out the fact that CCP are on record as saying that players that are ganked early in their EVE career are more likely to continue with the game than those who are not.

Yeah i heard that one, good laugh

Isn’t that one of Leonard Cohen’s ‘Everybody Knows’ ?

This is completely false unless the player is novice with undocking with something of value.

“the player should understand that their cargo will be scanned and that they will become a potential target. There are many threads where highly experenced players share this knowledge.” I am a novice by choice to take controlled risks.

You dont think it could be true? No possibility at all?

Yes but you haven’t received training from Yoda in how to wind people up :slight_smile:

Might be for a certain category of person. But not for the majority. Losing the stuff that you worked for is not a fun experience for almost everyone, unless its planed of course (such as ganking)

Here’s an idea. Make 2 servers, ganking online with all the gankers. And mining online with all the miners/industry folks and real pvp players. Let’s see which is the most popular. Pretty sure i know which one.

They already have this.

You can log into the test server and mine all day.

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Sounds fun, please go do that

This can’t be a serious thought right? The game is Eve Online! Do you know which game are you applying that comment to?

I guess it comes down to how you define a new player. I think their statement is very plausible.

I can see how players that just go out and get blown up in a venture or Atron or whatever and would get a feel for the game and be more comfortable with the concept of loss as a result.

Whereas a player who has through either by effort or luck existed in game with no PVP for 2 or 3 months may have a different reaction. Such a player will get comfortable in their own skin……get used to the isk facet…… start bringing ships…… and then boom. And when the boom happens so much entitlement has built up and the ship is expensive ……That’s when the tantrum happens.

If your first loss is blinged out Raven or whatever then yeah you are gonna be pissed.

This isn’t a problem with ganking. This is a problem with CCP not doing a good enough job of exposing the PVP aspects of the game in the NPE or career agents.

I think you have legitimate concerns about newbies and retention and the like. But i think you are mischaracterising the problem.

Most of the hundred of people i encountered in the game do NOT like ganking. Most of the people i know do play the game for the industry aspects of it, some for the pvp content and some for the pve. The vast majority of the game do NOT like ganking and getting ganked, period. This gameplay is the cancer of the game.

I am absolutely convinced that the game would be better off without it.

you lost me at that phrase, cant anyone be upset without it being ridiculed to a ‘tantrum’? isnt being upset in this situation justified?

It’s not.
This is EvE.
Suicide ganking is here. Permanent loss is here. It’s a very well known facet of the game.

“I got ganked and lost everything, so CHANGE THE GAME” earns no sympathy here.

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Yes, but the issue is that you are failing to separate your emotional terrorism from your logical argument.

If you left out the emotional outbursts you could actually make a strong argument for your cause.

No its not. You undocked that ship in an always on PVP game. When you create a new character and leave station for the first time you even get a pop up explaining that to you.

Sure be upset. Sure be annoyed. But what I’m referring to is posting on the forum demanding that game mechanics get changed on the basis that you didn’t take the warnings form the game and/or rookie chat seriously and fell foul of people partaking in legitimate gameplay.