Solution to suicide gankers?

This is suspiciously vulnerable to the Dunning–Kruger effect.

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This just demonstrates your ignorance, and you should refrain from spamming discussions with uninformed opinions. I hate to be rude, but you need to hear it, you’ve spent months yapping about topics without actually having a clue.

Why cant you start attacking my arguments instead of me.

Nonsense ! I’ve made a perfectly rational point. You can’t gank using ships bought with ISK you don’t have. And if you are…and are using donations or other means instead…then you cannot claim to be ganking for profit. Which is it ?

As the leader of the Highsec ganking community, it’s fairly reasonable to conclude that I know more about Highsec ganking than anyone else in the game.

I certainly know more than you!

Because the value of isk is worth less than compared to a adrenaline spike to the player.

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Not even the leader of the…yada yada…can defy the laws of maths. You either spend more money than you loot, or you don’t. In my universe 2 + 2 = 4.

Answer is easy, the goons. The goons are funding those operations to keep more of the market to themselves. Making money is not really a part of this, ruining high sec gameplay is. Either you join the goon or they kick you out of the game (or try)

I understand your argumentative conclusions to be:

  • Being a gankee is tougher than a ganker
  • Gankers are funded by nullsec blocs
  • Ganking in high sec is why the player count is decreasing

And your supporting evidence for the above has been:

  • A complete absence of demonstrating the ship refitting logistics, scouting techniques, modules, fits, loot-scooping, and CONCORD / timer knowledge required to successfully pull off a gank and obtain loot. A lack of rigorous comparison between that and the effort a gankee has to put in.
  • An absence of proof of payments from null sec blocs to ganking alliances.
  • An uncorrelated player count chart with no cause analysis.

And instead you have told everyone:

  • You feel it’s not worth responding to me.
  • You feel skeptical of CCP’s analyses.
  • You feel ganking causes new players to leave.
  • You feel like there should be a new player zone.
  • You feel like pvp is for psychos.

It’s not a mystery to me, hopefully this clears it up for you.


Addrenaline? By killing a defenseless ship? Truly an act of utmost courage.

Yeah gankers are coward thinking they do pvp

The pilot with the knowledge that they are about to become prey.

/That feeling of losing something can possiblly give some people a adrenaline spike which they crave.

Sure, but you don’t know whether I do or don’t - and you never will!

Sure…there is the ultimate irony that highsec ‘anti miner’ ganking is partly funded by mining. Can you see James 315 rolling in his grave ?

This is starting to get really silly. Even by forum standards

Back in the day it would be called “really cilly”.



Indeed i do not have evidence, well code is part of the goons that is a fact. For the correlation, no i do not have a complete analysis that this is the case nor do you that this is not. But i am a person giving an opinion based on every other game in the world. Full pvp games with no security do not work.

Well when you ask bull*** question i give no answer




not pvp, ganking is, real pvp is fine

I mean… yes it is. How do you keep as much of the ore as possible for yourself…? You do exactly that

And yet people play this game despite every other game in the world being the same. Maybe, perhaps, that is indeed the special draw of the game.

Say that to the 3/4 of the people that left since 2013, plus all the newbies that tried and didnt stick with the game

Given that zkillboard shows Safety making an average 1tn ISK a month and losing 20 - 30bn ?