If you can’t get ganked it’s automatically not a good idea. A good idea involves ways to gank players because this isn’t EVE Online New Eden, it’s Gank Online Destruction Eden.
I agree. Prey are needed as much as predators (assuming you are using carebear in the “non-pvper” sense of the word and not the “continuously cries for CCP to help them” sense of the word).
@wolfstallion There’s also another solution to suicide ganking or ganking period: Play on Alpha and spend no money on modules or ships, use the modules dropped by rats and bought with ratting/mission isk, use the free ships from the agents and/or ask someone for a few million isk every couple of weeks, you can also scam in-game… that way when you get ganked it won’t matter to you much and you can continue to enjoy the game without a care in the world.
Get a Bowhead
If they come up all the time maybe, just MAYBE it is because ganks are a massive problem. Pirates used to do their stuff for profit but now its a statement made by super-rich null sec blocs to make HS ■■■■ so they can keep their dominion over the game. Noobs are not welcome in new eden so are HS industrialists.
Between that and CCP getting greedy no wonder the game’s dying and cant keep its new players
I feel as if people don’t understand why I want this ship I’m never gonna use it but it’s to just make my life easier so I don’t have to fly all the way to jita because haulers are to scared to bring stuff out to other markets. It makes the game boring and a lot less fun to do pvp because ik if I lose a ship I have to deal with an hour long shopping trip. Plus having to ask for a scout so I can get back safely
No it’s no problem, that’s why tons of people complain. Those tons of people were never meant to play EVE, those tons of people are too stupid to play EVE, that’s why the player numbers are down, because people can’t harden the F up and git good.
Dont get your hopes too high. The game balance is retarded and in favor of gankers. They can kill anything with a few million worth of multiboxxed catalysts, with practically no counter possible beyond scouting.
Pvp doesnt really exist in high sec, ganking is not pvp because theres no versus, it’s just a player abusing another, sometimes for profit, most of the time not.
Not sure if you are being sarcastic there, it certainly feels like it but i read so many retarded ■■■■ like that i would believe it if you told me it’s not.
Still i’ll answer as if it isnt. If the game is not made for anyone except those already established, then the game is on a timer and WILL die quickly. People will not waste their time ‘hardening up’ and ‘gitting gud’ if they can have fun somewhere else. This anti-fun mindset is just bad and toxic.
I don’t blame you. CCP shills don’t make much sense but it’s all okay when they add “HTFU” or “git good” at the end of their posts. Somehow that makes all the cacamimi arguments valid.
According to some players, a game that’s lived 19 years is now immortal.
CCP hopes that the mulla will flow because players want to git good and harden the F up. After all, if a player can’t win at EVE ( I know lmao ) then he’s not a real player because he isn’t hardened and couldn’t git gud.
It’s not bad and toxic for those who think people shouldn’t have fun in a game. You see, for them, games aren’t to have fun, they are there to make other people feel bad about themselves and EVE only exists to have the picture of your clone on zKillboard, that’s all that matters on EVE, getting your mug on zKillboard with a full red line underneath your clone’s pic so everybody can know you got gud and hardened the F up.
I am a fan of both sides in that equation.
It’s certainly impressive, but it was never a hugely popular game either. And the situtation has only been worsening with time.
Now with the massive inflation we are going through and the price increase and EvE feeling more and more like a shitty mobile game with tons of microtransactions, i fear it only has a few years before it. Of course there will always be the famous ‘EvE hAs BeEn DyInG sInCe 2003’ but no really, look at the player numbers dropping every day.
Gee, I wonder why. Could it be because the initial subscription cost didn’t match the level of awesomeness in the game?
And now it’s even more expensive, haha!!
Why dear, whatever do you mean? EVE is the best game ever. It’s just that you haven’t hardened the F up enough yet and aren’t doing everything to git gud. Once you start ganking and multiboxing your opinion will change, promise.
That’s a long time to die, it’s almost a zombie by now. Of course, a game that’s constantly dying must be guuuuud.
That’s intentional. CCP hopes to replace its grouchy player base with younger, more credulous players.
OP you can have your temporary invulnerability button (that also prevents being targeted) for your hauler in exchange of all your cargo being jetcanned into a blue (abandoned) container that anyone can pick stuff from without becoming a suspect and also all your drones get disconnected, your bandwidth is reduced to zero and all your modules turn off for the duration so basically all you can do is warp off leaving your cargo behind Han Solo style when you press that button to balance it out.
Hi Mohammad; potential gank targets are unlikely to follow your sensible advice.
The reason?
‘I got ganked’; not ‘my ship got ganked’, nor anything else. It’s regarded as an attack upon them. Hence, the emotional investment is off the scale.
As ever, the solution to (getting upset about) suicide gankers is to stop caring about loss and start learning from it.
But I doubt whether they’ll do that, either…
Ah yes, now it’s a mindset problem, people shouldnt care about the stuff they grind getting killed for no reason. Yup
The reason is they are careless, lazy and blame others for their own mistakes and failures. So in actuality it is for a lot of reasons thus well deserved. They can learn from their mistakes or cry on the forums acting as if the entire world around them is conspiring against them to ruin their day. The choice… as always, is theirs.
That would be an interesting idea wonder if the haulers would use such a ship
It could be a module that can also be fit on freighters but preferably not on mining vessels.
It isn’t really sensible advice but it works for me. I’m happy to log into EVE because I know I will lose nothing ( besides my sanity ) and will have fun ratting or mining or exploring or anything that strikes my fancy.
I log in with a smile and log off with the same smile. Now that’s quality gaming.
Let’s say they don’t have the presence of mind to write " all my recent time in EVE, weeks ( months maybe ) got reduced to a 5-second “fight” I lost before it even started "
Wonder why that feels bad. It’s fun to lose weeks and months in a game. I’m sure every new player hopes it happens to him.
Yep. And to stop caring about loss the items lost must’ve been gotten for free, not through endless days of grind.
Of course, silly me, the grind is the best part of any video game. I can already see the advertisement:
" Play Pew-Pew Boom! A game where the grind never lets up! Only £50 a day! Download for free!! "