Solution to suicide gankers?

I swear i thought you were talking about yourself

Iā€¦ actually wouldnt be surprised if thats how most meetings go. They have no vision only squeezing more money out of the game.

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Such a meaningful reply. /s Too bad you already showcased your mindset so the evidence is there for all to see. :wink:

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Well gratz but it seems like you are the overwhelming minority. You can cut the victim part, people play games to have fun or relax or something not to be harassed.

I accept yours as well, CCP shill.

Depends, not every game is for everyone. There are hardcore games too, or challenging games (which are not as difficult).

Only because EVE is an MMO it doesnā€™t mean it is meant to appeal to everyone. Actually no game even could appeal to every playstyle. Due to the F2P more people give it a try and thus more people realize it is hard but they donā€™t realize this is how it is meant to be. At least that is how it is advertized and as such is how it was designed to be so unless CCP changes course (which is not impossible to happen I guess) anyone who complains about intended aspects of a game is in the wrong. Not trying to be personal itā€™s just a matter of fact right now.

:wink: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:


Wrong, the game is advertised both as a pvp game and as an ā€˜industrialā€™ simulator if you will.

But as it is right now the game might as well not be advertised at all. You end the tutorial and career agents with 10M isk in bank and a few ships then the grind starts, with no direction and the risk of getting ganked over nothing. You can barely make a few thousand isk after the tutorial part so the game feels grindy right away. Then if you manage to go through that you have days of skill training to fly basic ships, and grind and more grind to buy it. Then you risk losing it all to the first ganker you see.

The game has abysmal retention rate, simple as that. Someone earlier said the game needs ganking, what i have to answer is the game need rebalancing. The industry is broken and sad at the moment, PVE is boring rather quickly. Nobody is enjoying themselves (except for you apparently)

Real question here, why are you defending CCP, the gameā€™s dying by their own fault, why do you feel the need to defend the game. Dont you want the game to improve? Even if you like it there is problems, telling people to shut up about it does not help anything. Even if i accept that you truly believe what you are saying you cannot deny that the game is losing its players and doesnt gain enough back to compensate. Telling all the newbs to ā€˜git gud scrubā€™ never actually does anything

@Uriel_the_Flame :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :joy_cat:

You misinterpret what I say if you think I defend CCP. I am answering you why being ganked and non-consensual PvP being part of the game is no issue because it is intended and is by design since EVE began.

CCP and their misdirection and flawed development procedures and wasteful decision making process is a different subject altogether. Same goes for player numbers.

Even before these new trends were introduced by CCP the debate was always brought up regarding ganking and if it should be part of the game and if and how it affects player retention. But even back then it was intentional design to have ganking in hisec so it was no question really.

By the way the game improving might mean something entirely different to you than others. The game can ā€œimproveā€ (be more healthy, have more active players, be more fun) while still having ganking the same way as it is now as it was in the past. You probably think of ā€œimproveā€ in a different sense that would influence this core principle of gameplay and people who play EVE for what it is rightfully explain you why that is wrong. It has nothing to do with CCP and especially nothing defending CCP.

The fact you act as if someone not being in alignment with you can not be honest just shows a complete dishonesty on your part. Why are you even posting if you are not willing to listen to what others say without trying to discredit them when they say something you donā€™t agree with.

Yes a lot of active players think the core principles of the game are good even if CCP makes a lot of bad decisions thus if someone wants to change those core principles EVE is about they will express their view on it, honest view at that and explain why your view does not fit EVE thus is wrong.

If all you can do in response is to try discredit them for not fulfilling your agenda then you are not here to discuss and it is pointless to begin with and that is not what a forum is about, this is not anyoneā€™s personal dictatorship, not even yours.

But anyway just as I did and many others do you can start from zero and grow from there. If setbacks make you lose interest in the game then this game is not for you or people like you, not every game is for everyone. Besides grinding is part of any MMO (unfortunately, though probably exceptions exists I guess not that I heard of such myself).

If we are talking about something else like scarcity and risk vs reward balance and time investment vs reward balance that is a completely different subject. However the thread (as the title suggests) is about suicide ganking, which is an intended part of the game and there are many counterplay options against it as pointed out by others already.


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When a gank target has lost as many ships and modules as even the most slothful ganker, he too will be able to dismiss such incidents as ā€˜part of the gameā€™, and those ships and modules as merely ā€˜tools of the tradeā€™.

If you canā€™t deal with loss you will struggle in EVE and in Life.

Therefore, I recommend more Highsec Ganking, so that the miners have as many opportunities as possible to sort out their attachment issues.

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And i am telling you it actually hurts the game and player retention, especially in those times where the rewards are not there vs the risk.

And i suppose you are here to ā€˜educateā€™ me or something like that, you do exactly what you claim that i do

The main thing i see with people that think like you is a total inability to put yourself in other peopleā€™s shoes, and you believe this is the case for everyone else. Stop claiming that I lose interest or the game is not made for ME because i do not only talk about me, i am talking player retention and how to expand the game.

Well this is exactly my point. Suicide ganking IS dictatoriship, why should the game allow someone to force non-consensual pvp. Suicide gankers with plenty of money and resources make their own law, most of the time actively working for the null blocs. If this is not dictatorship i dont know what this is

Because the developers made the game to be like that? You know when you play chess and complain it is not solitaire then the problem is not with chess players who like chess for what it is and play it as it is intended to. :wink:


When i play chess i dont risk losing 6 months of grind

And the gameā€™s dying, yeah great argument

That is also part of this specific chess gameā€¦ and by design at that. :slight_smile: Again you really want to play solitaire when this is chess.

Yes, someoneā€™s inability to play EVE means he wonā€™t be able to hold a job, entertain a career or be successful in life. EVE is that important to someoneā€™s life.

I agree. Gank fests will teach 'em.

Irrelevant to the subject. Only because there is a lack of people who want to play chess instead of solitaire doesnā€™t mean chess is bad or not how it is supposed to be it just means trends might be different. hether the devs want to appeal to such audience is their decision, but for now they donā€™t thus chess still should not be turned into solitaire and until the devs actually do that it will be a simple reality of the situation.

ah yes because when i take my car and go to work i always have to go through a gate camp

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Thatā€™s what those police roadblocks are I guess.

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Depends on if you live in an active warzone. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: