Solutions for fixing suicide ganking

If you feel this distressed I’ve an internet spaceship game. You really need to evaluate your life and seek help.


You may not care about free speech. You may even work for a state run media outlet of a communist dictatorship and be the guy who deletes protest coverage and stuff like that. IDK and more power to you and your oppressive ideology in your own sphere that doesn’t affect me.
What is certain is you have no power to purge this thread or you would have done it.
I believe CCP values my free speech and will immortalize this thread actually.

We already know that about Scoots, please tell us something that isn’t so obvious

Seriously dude? What is with you and this extremist radical ultra slippery slope talk?

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You don’t get free speech here buddy

I understand there is no need to do this currently because it is so easy and profitable. What I am saying is that the proposed solution will not fix anything because of the points I have brought up. Character creation and abandonment have no restrictions and therefore no consequences can be effectively applied to them.

  1. I’m not distressed so there’s that…
  2. I actually like this game’s but the trolling and bad sportsmanship is out of hand and needs to be adjusted IMO.
  3. That’s just name calling and is a non-starter. It certainly doesn’t refute any of my OP.

Wow. Post must be at least 5 characters


@Scoots_Choco something else to add to your resumé right alongside “sock puppet hot girl”

Trolling and bad sportsmanship oh my .
What did you lose ? I really need to know now.
Frieghter full of goodies?
Blinged out ship you’ve had for 10 years ?

Apply some cream to the hole that hurts and move on.

Fair enough in the sense that it’s barely an inconvenience to st up a new account. But I feel that

  1. trolls love having a high bounty and low security rating and wear it proudly building it to be as bad as it can get over a long time. Then there’s their albeit sad zkill page with the inflated, on-paper k/d ratio. Abandoning that is not an option for those types.
  2. It will dissuade them even a little bit, and since high-sec suicide ganking is a just grudgingly bearable almost-exploit It’s an improvement to dissuade the suicide gankers.
  1. The ship was replaceable. My bad experience being trolled and cheated by a dishonorable bad sport is what made the impression.
  2. This is how i move on. Walking tall, calling suicide ganking out and honestly waiting for a single ganker to refute my claim that they are cheap, bad-sports who would cheat if they could, but exploit any loophole that’s currently available

nothing bad sport about it… CCP Allows it, and encourages it… END OF STORY.
any @ISD please close this dumpster fire.

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dumpster fire

  1. Sure it’s bad sportsmanship. I’ve explained why and you haven’t refuted it despite many impotent replies. In any other game it would be at least an exploit.
  2. Buddy, customer service encouraged me to make this thread when i chatted them asking how to cancel a sub. Doesn’t that blow your mind? They will most likely let you continue making it rank higher from replying because they want feedback for ammunition to change things.

Your reply is about right for a troll. good show.

yes in many other games… EVE is not like any other game… EVE has made a reputation on people being pirates, gankers, straight up evil assholes… but thats what makes this game unique and different from any other kind of MMO.

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This is a troll thread. Why waste the time discussing it

Ignoring your Ad Hominem attacks in an earlier reply to my OP, there is a counter and easy defense to all the other ruthless stuff you mentioned. There is no counter to getting jumped by dozens of fast, cheap glass cannons you can’t preemptively kill because you will be the aggressor, freeing them to use their ships like expendable ammunition at a time of their choosing. It defeats the whole point of optimizing mission running in high sec. I like this game actually and the ruthless but fair stuff the best. I like being able to counter it and have a fighting chance more though and there’s no point playing with exploiters if you don’t want to be one.

What can’t you counter ?
You can see them all on zkillbourd (gankers are never shy)
Set then -5 then you can see how many are in local