Excessive multi-boxing is why it is easy for you, nothing much else to say.
You and many others here, helped make multi-boxing affordable and wide spread by advocating in favor of skill extractors.
Except that there were multi-boxers before skill injectors, I would argue that the ease of freighter ganking based on the previous bumping mechanic was what enabled multi-boxing. All that those players had to do was break into the cycle to gank stuff and then they were set up at that point by the easy rewards.
Skill injectors made it easier to create the ganker character from the off, but that was it.
As for my support for skill injectors it was really only for new players, and I would have capped their use at some point which I suggested around the time they were proposed and implemented.
You don’t have 70 friends?
Skill injectors allowed for skill farming making those accounts profitable without any real effort. This is ideal for accounts where the actively used character is very focused skill wise like trading, PI and many other options like ganking.
Once set up the only limit is how many accounts you can realistically control.
You still don’t get it, after all this years. It’s not about creating the character, but getting unlimited almost free omega alts by extracting.
I used to pay two chars, one ganker one scout. That was the limit of how much money I was willing to put into a computer game.
Skill extractors reduced the sub to one again and I got 3 free alts, could expand at any time.
You helped created that by advocating for it. I was against it before it was in the game.
Fact 1 - People were excessively multi-boxing before skill injectors
Fact 2 - People were able to sustain 30 accounts with the profits from ganking freighters and jump freighters before skill injectors. It was so easy due to bumping.
I am talking about the period before skill injectors where there was already excessively multi-boxers making an insane level of income and supporting a large number of paid for accounts before SP farming.
The last part of the sentence is of course why you guys are suggesting that I am ignoring the fact that you can get unlimited free omega accounts by extracting. What I did not make it clear was that I was talking about what those established gankers were doing and that was aimed at them, sorry for making it a little unclear.
After SP injectors was a thing we saw many people start up larger numbers of ganker characters, but most of them did not stay active for long and that was the case before the bump change. It just made it a lot easier to do that initial break in of getting all those accounts and paying for them so they did not have to be that active. CCP left in some mechanic issues that made it even worse in that you could lapse the account and come back to it as an Omega and pick up all that past SP. Thankfully that exploit is closed, but it made it a real cash cow.
So I saw SP injectors/extractors as a significant buff to ganking, but I thought that the benefit for new players was worth doing it, I would have preferred them to limit it in some way, but now I do agree that it is too much of a give away and makes it too easy, so that is why I said I now agree with you, because I think overall the damage to the game as a whole was more than damaging then not accelerating the new players into more interesting game play.
What I would also say is that the impact now is not that great because the people who are left doing freighter and JF ganking are effectively mainly the ones who did it before SP extractors.
1 - This is a video game and nowhere does CCP say they’re aiming to be “realistic” and,
2 - Your idea of “realism” would be to magically and instantaneously have Concord just appear the instant a shot is fired from a gun?
This OP is just a troll.
No, I believe that the OP’s idea of “realism” is that CONCORD appear as soon as someone even thinks about pulling the trigger. At that point CONCORD magically appear, dive in front of the possible attacker ready to catch the bullet that hasn’t been fired while simultaneously and preemptively destroying the enemy’s ship and perma-banning the player for being vaguely suspicious in the presence of a deity.
This act will then be followed by CONCORD gently warming the bottle of milk for the now shocked non-victim while giving him huge amounts of ISK for the inconvenience.
Easiest way to prevent ganks in high sec is if CCP chooses to make it impossible to attack another player.
But CCP didn’t. Instead they chose to add CONCORD to kill the attacker after a delay.
What does that tell you about the game? CONCORD isn’t here to prevent ganks, it’s here to punish ganks.
I often read this sort of post and wonder why you miss the obvious.
There were different areas in Eve and hisec was supposed to be an area where combat did not really happen, putting CONCORD in was a deterrent to stop people by destroying their ship should they carry out aggression in this area of space.
It was deemed to be a deterrent to unauthorised combat in hisec.
All that happened was that people started to develop ganking to still attack their enemies and make ISK. All it proves is that CCP closed their eyes and did not react to this because they had already done their balance pass and that CONCORD was good enough for purpose.
It was not to punish gankers, it was to stop unauthorised combat in what they deemed to be safe space.
If they wanted to stop unauthorized combat, why didn’t they just make it impossible to attack other players there?
A simple “you’re not allowed to do that” is much more easy and effective than CONCORD. And it would 100% stop ganking, rather than keep ganking part of the gameplay.
Simple really, at the time they assumed that the guaranteed loss of a ship in a fight and by NPC’s would be enough to make people not want to do it.
When gankers use the words emergent game play there is a clue there actually…
You might also recall that when people started to blow up CONCORD and escape in a number of ways they adjusted CONCORD into what they are now.
I don’t understand.
CCP is the mighty creator of this game right? Gods in the universe? The ones that could turn on and off the ‘can I attack this player here’ switch?
Why, in their might, did they make the interaction with CONCORD part of the gameplay, rather than simply turning the ability to attack other players there off?
Option 1:
- Turn off ability to attack other players
Option 2:
- tweak response timers, survivability of CONCORD and more things so that players get killed once they attack another player illegally.
It seems very clear to me that CCP wants the ability to attack other players to be part of the gameplay. Because if they didn’t want that, they would just have turned that possibility to attack other players off.
That is your opinion based on ganking as it is now, remember that it was defined as emergent gameplay and there is a reason for that, I have explained the design of the game in the past and why. The fun part is that I was actually there with my first account way before I started again with Dracvlad. To make it worse for you I was a lowsec pirate previously.
Why kicking peaceful miners/producers into the a… with almost every patch. Making mining even more boring. Making production of big things nearly impossible for the simple user and more and more complicated… whats going in the designers heads ? Miner haters ??? Simple spaceworkers were a part of eve too and had a little corner in the sandbox… And give them a “home” . A own station nearly impossible to destroy - only 1 per player ! (Castle Asketus…) Some nice things to buy and to install without advantage to the gameplay but “nice”…TV with youtube for example… they will never leave this world.
Of course figthing is ok and there is a lot of space for it in eve. But don`t hunt away the miners/producers. They are a part of eve too and every miner flying a good ship has to be an omega !!!
Asketus( posting again after a longer time)
The very simple and excellent game concept of Eve is the extremely hostile and dangerous environment - which is composed of other players, not NPCs mind you. The latter are just there as a means to an income (except the diamond miners who are a bit of a failed concept that only annoys non-afk miners). Other players are a legitimate means to an income as well. To have or have not, and how to obtain what you want, determines your path.
Once you accept that simple design, that it’s basically you, and initially only you, against the rest of the universe then you will learn to understand its inner workings and hopefully enjoy it more.
For instance, CONCORD, as I am sure other people pointed out, is not there for your protection but to enforce the rules of engagement. Their response timer starts with the first aggressive and “illegal” action taken (modules, weapons), the timer length being determined by the security rating of the system. There is no one, now or in the past, to save you, and there shouldn’t be in this design. Either you understand the nature of the risk and prepare and gamble with calculated risks, or you become a ball of fire and do some fancy posting.
Or, following another game concept, you do join a good corp with a good common goal that you can identify with, and defend a shared interest. And that could even be a pirate group.
The choice to be insular in Eve can’t be a valid reason to complain about other play styles in the sandbox. Most likely it’s only bittervets with very good knowledge of the game who can afford to be insular and thrive.
yes. but this is a development of the last years. No reason to throw more and more boulders in the peaceful players way. In the “quite sure” center of the world. Of course if they want to get rid of the non fighters they will have to accept this decision …
Building a wall between so-called peaceful players and not so peaceful ones is completely opposite to the game concept. Even peaceful players, and those may even live in parts of null or w-space, should and will be challenged on their wealth and activities. That is simply hardwired into the economic system of the game (open market etc), which cannot afford a risk averse mass of just peaceful players. That decision was taken at inception, so they already accepted the low attractiveness for merely peaceful players.