Some bad game concepts

poor princess aiko :frowning:

Go to lowsec and mine there.


You really want to go off topic and argue about tangents that you started.

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It’s ok, I enjoy the challenge! I think being -10 has made me a much better player than the carebears who idle about AFK. I’m getting so good at ganking, that the carebears are crying about how CCP needs to nerf me, but I know CCP is proud of me and appreciates all my hard work! Well done Aiko!


keep the good work :smiley:

Umm… no, I didn’t start the tangents. Let’s go look at the receipts. All I said was that when I’m hauling high value items into trading hubs, I don’t have any problems. That is actually on-topic, since the topic is hi-sec ganking.

You, on the other hand, decided to say that and I quote: Loot from level 4 missions is hardly worth ganking and LP is not exactly going to give you a lot of mods, most Navy stuff is pretty poor. You would have to move it in an untanked T1 hauler to get ganked. Here you’re trying to steer us off-topic about what is and is not valuable. And yes, faction ammo very quickly becomes worth enough to gank. But again, red herring argument fallacy.

Moving onto your next argument fallacy: the stations issue. I actually didn’t bring it up: you did. So, how did I take us off-topic when you were the one who brought it up?

Oh yes… you don’t want to own up to your argument fallacies. Why am I not surprised?

Dracvlad is incapable of having a conversation, he just rants about random topics.

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Except you started ranting about me not knowing what I was about trying to bait a response.

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There was a guy I dearly wanted to kill for having “USMC” in his name. He was somewhere under -5. He would log on randomly and undock randomly after that and head for one of two gates. Could be days between log ins and I just never had the luck of the right gate or the timing…until one day I did and he had improved his standings so I couldn’t kill him…another crazy mechanic. Been murdering PCs? Oh, just grind some NPCs or acquire and sell some tags and its all good. Bunch of crap.

You can fix your standings so quit with the crocodile salt.

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Calm down miner. I’m -10. You know where to find me.

Maybe you should calm down and fix your standings so you can mine like you just whined you couldn’t… poor baby.



I’m just gonna keep killing miners. Renly and Dracvlad can sit in the forums and cry about it, but that’s not gonna make any difference at all.

Glad I was sitting down. Such a surprise. I thought you might stop being lame one day. Guess not. Woah. I need to remember to breathe. He/she is never gonna stop! News at 11 folks.

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Really, what a scoop.

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Avaelica Kuershin

If you were talking about a private conversation you had (which you didn’t), then it’s not a good idea to bring it up in the first place, since you can’t really add something to the discussion.

Aiko Danuja

I will just quote myself in response to what you say here about yourself.
“At least the game is being usefull at giving some players a bit of self esteem. (or just polish the ego to an anonymous public)”

Princess of a once relevant but now dead country. CODE is the new Suddenly Ninjas.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Well, it’s tough being a new player. When I started years before CODE it was much safer in high sec. Developers have really failed the high sec community when it comes to protecting the sanctity of ‘safe space.’ They’ve really embraced the ideology that you’re only safe when docked–for better or worse. Just look at what they did to high sec with the horrible Trig invasion. From the get-go the deck was stacked. You defend a system–great you get nothing but to keep the system. Fail? It’s no longer high sec. I mean if that’s not a rigged game, nothing is…it was at that point I stopped playing and now I only come back to check the boards every few months to see if the game is moving into a better direction. Sadly, it’s not.

So while Concord still has a role to play in high sec security, but because the punishments for breaking the peace and attacking people are so infinitesimal players will continue to kill new pilots. Because everyone is being forced to deal with pvp in this game Eve is no longer a sandbox where you get to chose your playstyle. The pvp’rs have won; there are no safe systems anymore.

Don’t like it? Vote with your wallet and move on for a time.


What an appeal to emotion… Ganking has actually been made harder through out the years. Mining ships have actually had their tank buffed a few times. And as I’ve stated: you’re perfectly safe in high sec if you know what you’re doing.

If having to fit your ship with tank is being forced to PvP, I suppose you’re right. Good heavens…

LOL. Plenty of safe systems. As I’ve said, its easy to avoid being ganked. You just need to learn how to play Eve.

I 100% agree with this statement.