No. You couldn’t. But its nice you have a ready excuse not to try. It would be a real bummer to lose a game friend…for him laughing at your flailing attempts to anti-gank him.
I have had successes. No need to degrade yourself with stupid obvious lies. That said, I never said I was great at anti-ganking. I am not.
BTW my omega ran out and I have no intent to renew. Even without multi-boxing and multi-omega accounts I already dedicated too much to this stupid cycle that will never result in a safe inch of EVE.
Is KM your only example? I have nothing but respect for the guy but do you have any clue how much he has dedicated to this game? If AG was easily KM could stop Kusion. I don’t think he has even considered it as a remote possibility.
Bye! Once again, here is the door…
I couldn’t hear you from OUTSIDE the door. What??
If you constantly play the victim instead of taking your game play into your own hand and using the available mechanics in your favor then there isn’t probably nothing left for you here anyway. Other people manage to do what you fail at, it’s not the game, it’s not CCP, it’s your attitude honestly.
Do you know how much Kusion dedicated to this game to do what he does today? If that was so easy everyone would do it. If you think you can stop another player that puts in tons of time, research and dedication to reach his goal by simply demanding that you are entitled to be able to stop him with your half assed efforts you are probably in the wrong game.
So you say, with your only example being probably the most dedicated AGer in the game. What’s next? All politicians that did not make president are failures? Dude, get a grip.
Yeah. We have the most dedicated ganker up against the most dedicated AGer. By a wide margin, who is in the lead? Obvious answer there. FFS.
It was YOU that said AG was easy. Now all you got are excuses and bluster. All you got to do now is man up and admit its not easy. But you won’t. You won’t even man up and create your own AG challenge to prove it.
I respect your game skills Karak. But your talk leaves a bit to be desired.
Knowledgeminer has never attempted to go after Kusion and never will.
I know someone who does, and he often stops Kusion too. On a Discord I frequent, I see a number of chats between him and freighters he has saved. However the cards are stacked against him with the mechanics and all but when he gets a save Kusion often logs off in disgust, because he knows that he got beat by the better man.
He can oppose Kusion because he excessively multi boxes too, which means he can compete. Knowledgeminer like me has only two accounts so Kusion can only be opposed by me or Knowledgeminer if we can get enough bods in a fleet.
Knowledgeminer goes after people who gank industrials on gates, mostly Vexor gankers and Tornado gankers, and every so often miner gankers.
Ok, let’s do it! We chose a system and day and you try to gank miners or freighters there and I try to ag you? Deal?
Should be in your favor, since ag is so hard and ganking is so easy.
That is already giving you a major advantage that AG don’t have, you know the system to go to, talk about loading it in your favour, LMAO.
Hey Drac. I think he will find an excuse for himself ok?
Hi, hope all is well with you.
But you already loaded it heavily in your favour by insisting he chose a system, I would not take that challenge either because that is not a real example of AG.
I’m fine, haven’t played in a while, just lurking the forums. What about you?
Ok, what do you propose?He doesn’t say the system and I have to look for him?
Locator agents should sort that issue for you.
I stopped in October 2020 after some forum mismanagement. Said I would come back in May 2021 but so far have not yet done so. I am debating it, and the new observatory has perhaps made it more likely as I can now do somethings I like doing with that capability to hunt AFK campers. But it will not be hisec. Even brought a BPO and started researching it for material efficiency, but I will see.
Still I am having trouble making the final plunge because I got to the point that I just could not be bothered to do anything in Eve because it was just too much effort for too little fun and I feel that this has not changed much and is perhaps even worse.
It is a bit nonsensical to have such a challenge, because he would have to setup multiple accounts to do this with specialised alts, he needs a cloaky scout and at least two gank characters with very good gun and Catalyst skills. So would take a fair amount of effort to setup, though some AG do have specialised scout ganking toons.
The biggest issue I found when going after miner gankers was identifying the system and then the target, and when I did find a likely target my mere presence in that system meant they ganked elsewhere. It was like whack a mole, sorry but it is not a valid challenge and does not prove anything.
ROFL, what on fast moving small ships, it gets you an area but still does not help, there is no time and place restriction. On our side we would have an idea of the area being attacked, the character used and the system they like to hit the most if they fed a killboard of course and many do not, but it really does not make it as easy as knowing the exact system.
We will let him answer as well, right.
Well, it was kinda his idea.
Did you just say it takes “a fair amount of effort to setup”? I mean I have to setup my ag stuff as well, that’s not “low effort” right?
Also he said:
So I guess he can start and try with one cat. He already has a char, flying catalyst is easy. If he needs some time to train damage up, that’s fine, I’m not in a hurry.
It’s not like I make some concessions as well, he can start with a high sec status so he doesn’t has to bother with the faction police. Apparently that makes anti-ganking harder.
Well, evading me and ganking in another system would be a good tactic, I would count that as a well executed kill and failure on my part. But don’t worry about the difficult anti-ganking stuff, I’m up for the challenge.
I’m kinda looking forward to it
P.S. I have so much fun right now seeing you dance around this. But I’m sure we will find some way we can setup this challenge that it’s fair for everyone
Can you just stop posting in the forums since you have quit playing the game?
Stopped Omega.
It is not the same, there are some ships and skills that give you an advantage, for example the Loki with a fit that Knowledgeminer came up with would be perhaps the best bet. Most people who do AG often apply low level alts to the job to hide their mains. So perhaps if you just had a griffin you might get to the level of many who try to resist.
One Catalyst is not really enough IMO, I think you need three accounts to be an effective ganker. One being the scout to warp to and the loot scooper and the other two the DPS.
No, because that is what tags did for gankers.
It is the main issue, still in one sense you won because you saved one person who would have been ganked which is the objective. But you would tell me I have a low hanging definition of victory and you would be right.
It is not that I am dancing around it, I just think it is meaningless, fairness just does not come into it.
Are you saying most ag are so bad because they don’t use all the available tools but if they did anti-ganking was easy?
The whole point of this exercise is to show that the tools are available not to repeat the same mistake most ag make or half-ass the commitment to the cause. My critic for Ridley was that he doesn’t use all the available tools. Why should I intentionally make the same mistake?
Well he said it’s already challenging to prevent one Catalyst. So he was wrong?
I’m willing to accept that he can team up with two other players if you really insist that you need at least 3 characters and multiboxing is too much to ask. But if he uses alts and friends, so will I, we need to keep this fair.
Yes, I will not be satisfied with such low standards.
What’s not fair about it? He always complains that ganking is easy and anti-ganking is difficult. He suggested I try anti-ganking and I will accept the challenge if he takes the role of the ganker instead. According to him I get the hard part and his task is easy. He said everything is stacked in favor of the ganker. So why not let him answer? I expect him to jump on the chance to prove his point he tried to make in all the posts he wrote.