Some new ideas

it is a proper mechanic and it worked as intented

What is the intention of the mechanic?

dont know :wink: maybe you think about it again … oh wait there was something

maybe the fact that it should looks more realistic in a Sci-Fi Game ?

You said it is working as intended but you cant explain what the intention is

no i dont ?

It doesent look realistic

but it looks more realistic if you can fly through everything else ? xD

Didnt we already settle this is not about flying through everything

Im not going to entertain u anymore, sorry bro

no we dont ! cause you didnt explain whats the difference ! you just said " its not a player " and it doesnt matter … still flying through other ships doesnt look more realistic then its actual is

which wonder … you got tired of your own stupididy and cant even repeat it !
praised god to this wonder …

My dude,
it is pointless discussing anything with the OP.
He will ignore any point you make and respond with inane, passive aggressive statements and questions.

Learn from my mistake. Do not feed the troll.

i know

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I’ll be in the corner then. With popcorn.

I am convinced the OP is some kind of AI-algorithm, serving as test-subject for an university project. They want to know if a simple AI can make a crowd of people angry by just poking them with new and fancy ideas (aka brainfarts) over and over again. And they have a stopwatch counting how long it takes until the mob gets violent! Trust me, it’s all science here! He will deny it, but thats part of the program!

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This is the best theory yet!

Improved BFs

Imo the NPCs that spawn should be pirate faction and the BFs give equal reward no matter which militia captures it

There is currently what seems like a multiboxer who plays with 15-20 character, and he captures Gallente BF first, then logs on Caldari and captures the caldari BF. And all the characters are only a week old and he makes around 4.5B ISK doing that every time.

For the sake of argument, what do you mean, or have in mind by “realistic.”

That can be construed as quite a broad spectrum of interpretations.

Usually if two ships collide in space they explode

source ?

Not if they have the technology to negate or absorb kinetic energy. With some kind of “force fields” for example. Oh wait, we have this kind of technology in EVE. Pretty sure if you take your time digging deep enough you will find even some kind of lore article about it.

Other MMOs have a lot of stupid crap mechanics, no player collision being one of them. Nothing EVE needs.

Just disable player collision and collision with NPCs. You can already shooting through rocks and buildings. Disable the player collision with NPC and otther players and take the performance gain.