you never come up with a real good fact why this would improve eve …
and no, there wouldnt be a performance gain
Do you have hard evidence (link source please) that the collision query has any significant impact on performance? Compared to all the other formulae the EVE server has to calculate during larger player interaction, my guess would be that no one could see even the slightest performance increase.
Disabling collision would also reduce immersion and tactical depth, you have not laid out why your idea would have any benefits outweighting these losses.
Here is an example of how one aspect of the UI could look like with NPC hauling. You right click a station in personal asset and you can “Send all”. It opens new window where you select destination, and shows the cost.
That is the concept in rough form. Numbers need to be balanced, i thinking shipping within a region is “cheap” but shipping inter region insurance will go up significantly. Maybe a 10% flat fee on top that probably shouldnt stack if the goods pass through several regions. Well thats it. Perhaps this can help demonstrate NPC hauler do not put player haulers out of sevice.
now i see why you need your “asap 100% safe and nobody can interupt it NPC hauling service” cause you are spread your worthless assets into Whole space xD and you dont wanna carry it by yourself
its still a service that nobody need it cause of AFK and Passive ■■■■ and this is just stupid and bad design
Other MMOs that have player collision disabled does not ruin immersion. Player collision also gets abused. For example at Jita 4-4 there is a clump of Praxos sitting on a common spot where ppl come out of warp. They are so clumped they are clipping even tho the game goes out of the way to do player collision. Anyway in this case the clumpers arent getting an immersive experience according to you and i would argue niether are any of the guys that are being pushed away.
t1 missiles?
you want a system that allows AT ship and faction titan bpcs to be transported in complete safety, just so you can consolidate your t1 missiles?
I honestly cannot remember the last time I fired off t1 ammo or missiles. Oh wait, it was about four years ago and they were t1 torpedoes in a stealth bomber for a structure bash.
just trash your pathetic junk and be done with it.
What is the problem with having BPCs transported safely? It can actually help people spread out manufacturing and also give people who make BPCs increased revenue since BPC might become slightly more popular.
But the reason BPCs can become cheap to transport is because the game for some reason cant figure out what their EIV is. Could just fix that if you wanted. But it isnt neccesary.
We already have npc miners we dont need npc haulers. Hire push x to move your ■■■■.
Collision mechanics in eve is weird but was done in a way that makes it work.
Eve has also had a nickname of submarines online or submarines in space due to it being similar mechanics of being underwater in regards to how they perform.
Bumping a ship and not causing damage is an actual gameplay feature.
Im fine with the fact you warp through rocks because then that would mess the traversal up. You need to do your research instead of bitching, about why eves collision mechanics are great
How much would it cost to get pushx to haul the stuff in the example above?
They have a website
You clearly dont know
They have a website so you can do that yourself and see the math
I know
Quit being a dunce.
Eve needs to have danger. Assets while in transportation shouldnt be safe. That goes for the ones with only one braincell who transports PLEX as well
“Why are you suggesting a NPC hauling machanic when you can just pay PushX 4.5M ISK to do 1 jump for you”
Assets under a certain value is safe it does not get ganked but NPC hauling service does not eliminate player hauling. Its been explained and demonstrated already.
Heres a screenshot from Final Fantasy XIV, i dont play it myself, but it clearly has not player collision. He is standing inside the mob he is killing and hes fine with it. I believe FFXIV is one of the most popular MMOs and player collision is disabled it seems. Why would they do that and ruin the game?
Quit being lazy and move your own ■■■■ or get a corp member to do it for you.
If youre even in a corp lol
Will you do it for me? I pay you
is eve online like final fantasy ?
no its not ! its an other game and has other playerbase
then haul it by yourself tzhis 1 jump or stfu and dont cry !
its called “market” pushx offers a service and you need this service ! you just cry because its to expensive and yout stuff isnt there instantly !
i would haul it ! but you need to pay 5 million per jump, i need also a safety deposit because i could be ganked and my ship is way more worth then your t1 missiles