Now I wonder if they follow some kind of pattern when they are warping around because I’ve heard people in the next belt to me report trigs but then they haven’t appeared in my belt. Maybe it just random
I think it’s just random. I mine in the same system, and I’ve had them warp in on me every 5 minutes, and sometimes like yesterday I mined for 5 hours straight and didn’t see them once.
That is a shame if there is no pattern.
Yeah I’ve gone the same amount of time and not seen any or heard anyone report them.
But im sure you can hold them for longer at structures.
I’ve been at a structure and docked up then undocked in a combat ship and there gone. But if I sit there they will stick around scanning for 5 mins or so before leaving.
But they never attack at structures though but do in belts.
At least they never have attacked me at a structure
The idea is thus.
Ganker enters system, you see them in local. You go ‘hey, I need to be perfectly on my game, I can’t afford a 30 second break to grab water’ but you don’t panic & dock up instantly because you know about using your Dscan & overview.
15 minutes later the ganker actually warps to your grid, and you weren’t risking a short break so you are in a position to warp out instantly.
Trigs however, you don’t get the initial ‘be on your guard’ warning if it spawns after you start for the day.
So the idea is to provide an initial ‘Don’t go grabbing a glass of water without docking’ warning before the horde of death descends upon you.
This provides self learning opportunities for people to go ‘oh, that’s what the message in local meant, maybe I’d better do something about it next time’ rather than just ‘I blinked and red triangles murdered me in seconds, what the…’
Can we cope without a local notification? Sure. But it is more consistent if we do have one, and provides more reasonable stages of escalation for players to respond to and manage their levels of risk vs attention required.
As far as I can tell there is always a trig group roaming. If you kill them then another one spawns normally in a different location however I have had trigs spawning instantly after I killed the last group in the same belt.
So it looks like it’s a constant thing. You kill one group another spawns.
But I think it maybe like quakegod said. The more stuff in local that they like to hang around the less likely you are to see one.
Also worth mentioning is that when I’m fleeting with many pilots we very rarely have them warp in on us. Could it be they are looking for easier targets and will avoid larger groups ?
If anyone has noticed this also let me know.
This is pretty accurate, but… that assumes the emerging conduit is spawned when you undock.
It can spawn part way through your operation. Which is really the part this is aimed at addressing.
And the fact that the roaming squad has no spawn delay is an issue of itself, since it means that fighting them is pointless, if you are able to do it in your mining ships without interrupting mining it’s ok, but as soon as you have to ship swap or even drone swap it’s pointless.
So what effect does the emerging conduit have on trig spawns? If you complete it then the trig spawn is gone ?
But then they respawn after maybe 5 mins so it doesn’t give you much time without trigs roaming.
Maybe the conduit boss has something to do with it as he will warp off if you leave him till last.
The emerging conduit is where the Scout squads spawn from, no conduit, no scouts. (Assuming there isn’t a lost squad still in system when one despawns).
Agreed also the Conduit respawn timer is too short. That being more like 30-60 minutes and scout squads being 5-15 minutes would make it more reasonable to fight to keep your system clear of Trigs.
But… If you do this, you doubly need a local notification when they spawn.