It’s almost as if space is a dangerous place!
Ranting and angry people aside. It wouldn’t be the worst idea to get a notification in local when the conduit spawns or a new squad spawns.
If a ganker comes into system you can see them in local, so this would be equivalent to the local list for a player ganker.
Except for people who don’t show the local chat, the local presence.
May be better to have a beacon in the conduit only visible when the recon is roaming.
But they wouldn’t see gankers then either. I don’t see any need to make Trigs more visible than a ganker. But some kind of presence in local is comparable, as currently they are a healthier than a ganker.
I missed a “only”. I don’t see local chat, only local presence. Best way to avoid cancer in jita.
Then that’s on the player to deal with if they deliberately hide something?
CCP don’t need to cover every possible warning system, I’m just proposing that they make the Trigs as visible as a ganker would be. As that seems a fair balance.
A beacon makes them far easier to see and I don’t see why this should be added. And “Because I want it this way” isn’t a reason.
Maybe we should have some kind of tool we can use to scan the area around us ? . I mean we could be able to set it to scan at certain ranges.
Maybe make it so we can narrow the scan and point it in a direction to better pinpoint where the trig’s are?
Make it so you can filter out the things you don’t need to know about.
Make it a modual maybe pref high slot as I have many of those free
Yes I agree local chat is junk and of no use.
On a related note I would also like notification s every time a pilot who I’ve set + or - standings with and they should be clearly visible. Maybe put them in a window that I can move around the screen?
Non +or - can be in there too.
While funny posting about deep scan, and I know Trigs show on that, you get more warning than deep scan for a ganker.
So short sighted.
It provides mission specific ore which does not have to bother with refining. Which means a much shorter skill arc to income generation.
It is traded directly to the Agent in exchange for ISK and LP, completing the mission objective. It does not have to be compressed or hauled to market hub. Again, another short-cut to income generation.
The real issue is that most of the mining agents are for Non-Player Corporations that have elementary Loyal Point stores and basic services. (i.e. low grade refining/reprocessing 35% vs Navy 50%) Anything of actual value is gated behind the requirement of NPC Faction Tags. Obtaining the Tags directly will seriously erode standings, and are obtained from rare Combat missions. The primary options being Faction Ammunition or Attribute and Faction oriented Hardwire Implants. (Given the noise behind the removal of Attributes, well that’s a rabbit hole for another thread). Quafe and Thukker about the best of the worst bunch of options. And Thukker has a serious trade-off for Standing. Now, if Outer Ring had an agent in High Sec like Thukker and SoE have it might actually make it worth while.
All that given, Mining Missions offer a mining environment free from the intrusion of Triglavians. Answering the question posed by this thread. That increased safety comes the exchange of lower income - well inline with the game’s philosophy.
Triglavians are achieving something that umpteen years of suicide ganking never could. It educates players about fitting a tank and being observant of the game’s environment. Every miner that converts to a Procurer or Skiff is another nail in the coffin to aggression on mining. If only all miner would switch.
Removed some off topic posts, keep it civil and on topic please. First and hopefully only warning.
The point I was trying to make was that all the tools are there for you to counter the trigs .
Use dscan
Point your ships towards your fav station
Fit a shield or amor tank but don’t fit anything other than t2. Bling mining ships deserve to die
If with orca fit remote reps .
There are many ways to deal with this but they involve a little work or being outside that cozy box you enjoy living in.
Imo (and this is related to this topic) newbies should have the option of starting in nullsec. It might teach them to be a little more adaptive in their playstyle and find ways to deal with threats. And then we might not get so many of these threads.
Also trig’s in belts are a good thing (now it’s on topic)
Sure, I’ve said those things myself, You seem to have some idea I’m crying about things with your response.
But the fact remains, that Trigs are stealthier than Gankers. And this isn’t a good balance. If looking in local can detect gankers, it should detect Trigs, even if the best we can do is a notification in local rather than having their name show up. This would still require paying attention, and looking at your screen. It’s not about being lazy, it’s about the tools required being comparable.
So if there is a notification that trig patrols are in the system then what happens ? People pay attention?
What I’m saying is if people were paying attention to begin with then there wouldn’t need to be any kind of notification they would see them warp into the belt.
I’m not trying to troll you or to have some kind of forum fight with you I’m just not understanding why this would be needed.
What we should be doing instead of fighting about it try to figure out what the patterns are.
From what I’ve seen if you are moving around in the belt it’s less likely they will come.
The more people in a belt the less likely they come.
This is only what I’ve observed I have no clue if it’s random or there is a pattern behind when and where they spawn
The Trigs not only visit asteroid belts, but also player citadels and POCO’s. There is only one group of roaming Trigs in a system at a time. So, the more belts there are, the more player citadels there are, and the more planets there are in the system you are mining in, the less likely that they will visit you in whatever belt you are mining in.