Some thoughts on dealing with hi-sec Triglavian recons squads

What is offensive is “20 year players” who cannot adapt to simple game mechanics.

Guess what I am doing right now. Mining. AFK writing this post. Trigs have not killed me once.


Well i will try to make this a bit clearer that you can better understand my problem.
Im a old ■■■■ older then your parents.

I can do this with 1 account. But i cant do it with multiple windowed accounts.

I can build you a ship with a paper and a clip.

But when it comes to fighting im totally lost.

Until now it was no problem for many years.

But now it is.

And i dont really understand why.

But i see. Its worthless trying to posts this here.



So how did you deal with all the belt rats that spawned before now.
Do that, but with more drones.

And if you only play with one account at a time, what do the rest of the accounts do?
If they just do industry, stop wasting your time mining and just focus on industry, buy the ore instead.

Well i dont know whats the dps difference for this rats but it must be huge.
They focus on drones and that loss alone is already shitty to recoup.

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The trick to dealing with the Trigs is to not have your drones out when they warp in. When they warp in, immediately recall your drones, wait for them to attack you, THEN deploy your combat drones. If you leave your combat drones out when the Trigs warp in, they will primary your drones and pop them in seconds.

Off the top of my head I want to say something like they start at 80dps per ship and ramp up from there to 120 or 160 or something, but I’m not sure if I’m remembering the right figure. That means a full squad starts at 400dps, but you don’t need to permanently tank it, just for long enough to kill them.
Further to what Quake has said, if using multiple ships or an orca (or even a skiff) something like a web or target painter will make them pay more attention to you, and a target painter would allow you to drone assist from other ships to the main one, and then get them all on the same target. (drone assist hasn’t changed in the last few months has it?)

Hm until now i just runned away. I saw the dmg they did and got scared because i thought soon there will be a warp scrambler and then all is ■■■■■■ up. I fit my orca other links and maybe a rep tool and try it out.
Losing ships would make me crazy.

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The random Trig belt patrols in a non-invasion system don’t warp scram. Having said that, if losing ships would “make you crazy”, then EVE is definitely not the game for you…

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Well im sure you would not be happy to lose few hundred millions isk to something which comes out of nowhere. I have to mine long time to replace a ship even to replace t2 drones. Lets say not crazy but also not cool.

What i also dont get is what all the new people do. They get 1 shotted by this kind of rats. Must suck today to start as a miner.

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I mine every day and I’ve never been killed by a Triglavian patrol. Ever. All you have to do is pay attention…

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A venture with a basic tank lasts long enough to warp out of the belt before dying, then they can just jump one system and check on deep scan for them, before mining there.


Well every time i play eve i notice that im still a total noob.
And it dont gets better.
I will try out your advices and hope it works.

gtg now

Take care guys.
And dont let corona get you :slight_smile:

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I’m an industrial pilot with 4 accounts all trained for mining. Mining is my primary source of income.
I deal with trig’s spawns 4-5 times a day.

Trigs enter belts.
Recall drones.
Warp out vulnerable ships.
Orca stays to fight.
Ships warp back in.
Continue to mine.
Rinse and repeat.
If you are at your computer focusing on eve there is no way you can lose a ship. Maybe a few drones that’s it.
Now I’m assuming that because you have multiple accounts that you have an orca. (If you don’t then I really don’t know what you have been doing with your time in eve)
Train combat drone skills on your orca pilot. Now you never have to worry about trig’s again.
As soon as the orca has aggression warp back in your mining ships release a swarm of drone death upon them.
Venture pilot yes must be vigilant Ive seen many die but all due to pilot error or not paying attention.
I’ve seen exhumers/mining barges and orcas die and every time it’s because they weren’t paying attention.

Play the game watch the screan and you will be fine.


All these threads and posts are the same.
Take away peoples ability to afk or semi afk something and they complain the game in unplayable.
I recently watched a corp rage quit because of the shield tanking changes and they couldn’t sit in emerging conduits semi afking them.
Damn you CCP for making me have to pay attention and work for the isk.


Please check those numbers (I’m not sure I did not make a mistake):

name EM EHP TH EHP KI EHP EX EHP orbit Range tracking evasion Tur Th DPS Tur Ex DPS Tur Max Th DPS Tur Max Ex DPS Miss Em DPS Miss Ki DPS
Raznaborg Damavik 7708 6822 7917 7018 6000 42 18 10 27 15 32 32
Starving Raznaborg Damavik 7708 6822 7917 7018 6000 44 18 10 27 15 . .
Renewing Raznaborg Damavik 7708 6822 7917 7018 6000 41 17 9 25 14 . .
Blinding Raznaborg Damavik 5725 5154 6001 5437 6000 40 18 10 27 15 . .
Anchoring Raznaborg Damavik 5530 4910 5676 5047 6000 50 18 10 27 15 . .
Ghosting Raznaborg Damavik 7330 6538 7590 6794 6000 32 18 10 27 15 . .
Tangling Raznaborg Damavik 5530 4910 5676 5047 6000 50 18 10 27 15 . .
Harrowing Raznaborg Damavik 5530 4910 5676 5047 6000 50 18 10 27 15 . .

highest max DPS is raznaborg damavik with 32+32+15+27 = 106 DPS.
Then highest is 42 DPS (only missiles on the raznaborg)
So 2 raznaborg, 2 others means 296 DPS.
So tanking 300 DPS should be enough

As an avid miner, totally agree with eve is not an afk game and you should be watching what you are doing. But the inconsistence’s with how often Trig squads show up is fked. I can go hours without seeing any of them, and other days……. They show up, I warp out the squishies, orca kills them off, warp the squad back in, no sooner do I launch drones, another squad rolls in… another set of drones gone, more time wasted killing instead of mining. Literally just shut down a mining op due to being attacked 4 times in less then 20mins, not doing this all night. If I wanted to PVE I would go mission or do conduits.


Good . If you cannot adapt and learn to deal with this then it’s better you sell your stuff to me at a discounted rate.
Go find another game where it’s nice and easy.

I will come mine your belts and laugh as I kill the trigs with ease.
If it’s that much of a problem where are the combat ships in the belt to protect the miners ?

Like a 5 year old who gets told NO, I will scream and shout and stomp till you change this.

As far as I know 1.0 and 0.9 systems don’t have trigs( I don’t ever mine these systems so I wouldn’t know)
People in ventures or low skilled mining barges should mine there if they worry about trigs.

Again I don’t know if that’s correct about 1.0 and 0.9 systems

No you are not. A discussion starts by stating every body opinion on the topic, not by making personal attacks on the person.

You literally are opposing a discussion. Even when I exactly wrote that trigs don’t bother me, you keep claiming they do. There should be a limit to your stupidity.

wrong. I literally made a map of metropolis and found several HS .9 and 1.0 systems with conduits in them.

Exactly. It’s almost as if the game demands to be played rather than ignored while tea is brewed.

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