call me crazy but i LOVE eve pvp
i think is really strategic , fast, skill demanding and trilling
I disagree. Fights almost always come down to two ships approaching each other to 0, getting mutually tackled and immobilized, and then one’s tank outlasts the other’s and that’s how the winner is determined. In a very small fraction of cases, some manual piloting might be required, but its rare. Most of the “excitement” in EVE PvP comes from the risk of loss and/or anticipation of the loot that you’re going to get if you win, and not the actual fight itself.
Meanwhile, in an FPS game, it’s fun to actually shoot the guns.
totally disagree
talking about shooters
i play WOTB to
join my clan , amarr empire
Go record a few of your fights and then play them back to yourself. You’re completely delusional.
no I’m not
i never fight at 0
not a blaster ship kido
I don’t mind the flaw. It is a nice feature which a Condor pilot can make use of to land nice kills.
Tracking rigs won’t make up the shortfall.
Autocannons have inferior tracking compared to Blasters, and Enyos which do have a tracking bonus already struggle to hit things.
It’s the exact same thing. Orbit at 9 instead of approach to 0, still one single command and your input is done for the remainder of the encounter. You’re deluding yourself right now.
i like the basic coercer a lot because the tracking bonus makes beam lasers possible
autocanions imo is a great weapon
blasters tend to be op , but they also have many flaws
no I’m not
for example (of many , i post lots of pvp histories here at the forum )
i had a great fight (3 days ago) against a fast minmatar cruiser that ended on the guy bailing with 10 hull in the last minute
it was a blast , a lot of manual piloting and back and forward in terms of who was winning
at the end i stayed 30 minutes thinking that i should have won but i ■■■■ up at the end
Go record some fights and show us. And don’t cherry-pick the best ones out of a hundred that you do, but show us how the average one plays out.
Yeah, the Coercer is the only ship for Small Laser Weapons with a tracking bonus, out of the entire T1 roster of Amarr Frigs and Dessies.
Not really. They lack the damage and tracking of blasters, but also lack the optimal range of energy weapons. The only redeeming elements are that Autocannons require very little Grid and CPU, and that they do not require Capacitor to work. The redeeming element of Howitzers is the sick alpha strike damage.
When using rockets within scramweb range, I mostly just do a 6 km keep at range against blasters, a 500 meter orbit against other turrets, and a 2.5km orbit against other launcher ships. That’s pretty much optimal. for the task at hand.
i wanted to do this a lot because i love youtube FW videos
but my old mac barely run the game at a decent fps
if i recorded every fight i had i bet i would have a TOP of the line eve PVP mega hits
unfortunately is not a good time for me to upgrade the computer …
BTW arena is arena
i don’t play much EVE arena because is a teoricraft haven , full of BIS ships and meta things
unlike fw with more varied ships and more organic fights
the samsha ones have to
they are super good
thats why I’m thinking before buying 10 coercers navy
This is utterly irrelevant because they don’t fit into navy plexes.
like i said in OP i don’t understand the new rules very well
they used to be in novices …
the worst part of amarr ships for PVP IMO is the dam 2 mid slots
maybe i would sell the samsha ones to get navy issue coercers them
that is kinda good because no bling fit garmurs to …
Now it’s massive blobs of Tristans, Algoses and Dragoons.
dragoon is good but is soooo boring
i dislike drone boats
you can put a tracking module IMO i think you will spend a slot(or rig) and make them a lot like the non navy ones
@Miran_Tereven think even with the module they would not hit ■■■■
for what i understanded
You do not resolve a tracking deficiency by boosting the tracking number. You resolve it by applying a Scram and 2 webs to the target you’re shooting.