State of Ganking

You realize that Highsec has CONCORD, and nullsec doesn’t - right?


Why are you guys expending so much energy arguing with an obvious troll?


Its amazing to me how much value people put on pixels.

Anyone want to add me in game and teach an old dog new tricks? I’d be grateful. Seems like a lot of new ships and module rebalancing that I have to re-learn.

Woh. I was studying this skybreaker that I foolishly bought (below market, thank you) and when I looked on zkill I saw that there was some kind of mass murder of catalysts in which skybreakers were involved. In Sivala (that place next to uedama) on 2/9/22. It looks like folks in Skybreakers were whoring on Concord kills. Or was it that Safety was trying to kill a fleet of Skybreakers? Weird stuff. Yay Eve for making me go “Hmmm…”

They can be good to take out blobs.

Some friendly tips :eggplant::

  • You can use the starmap to see where players are congregated at
  • You can use the MER data to see where pvp is happening in New Eden as well as where trade and production is happening
  • Take the above data to figure out where you’re likely to cross paths with other players and setup there

Highsec is the most densely populated area in the game so it’s real easy to fly around and find pilots doing things in space. If you’re looking for people in other areas of space then I’m sure it’s hit and miss.

You’re spot on. Before all these changes I lived solo war decs. I’d hold about 2-4 wars and with the old watch list, run locates on players that were online. Was a lot of fun and a lot more reasonable for groups to deal with compared to the huge wardecs groups we have now.


You are asking the same question in another thread…

Edencom ships are good when you use a few of them to take out groups of ships within 10km from each other.

The things that kinda stopped the use of the ship is that the weapon will arc to any valid target. So…

In NULL: Everybody is a valid target, even your fleet mates.
In HS: with green safety, War Targets, and Suspects are valid targets. Or if you have your corp safety set to friendly fire on, even your corp mates are valid targets.

For mission people stopped using them due to the fact it arcs to suspects. People, including myself, would warp into a mission suspect, use my drones to go after the same NPC he is shouting at and it arcs to the drone, get limited engagement and then kill the Mission runner.

Bjorn Bee used a fleet of them against us recently but he lacked the numbers of them to be effective.

Battle Report Tool (


Flew around a bit last night. Suspects can’t be shot at. I did this and concord blew me up. Fun.

Noticed a few industrial groups in my area. They are ineligible to be wardecced. Im assuming this is because they didn’t build a War HQ. How stupid. Why would an Indy corp ever build a War HQ?

Basically, if you want to prevent any interaction in Eve Online, you live in highsec and never build a war HQ.

CCP have butchered this game.


Then you did something wrong. Unless their suspect flag expired just before you shot them but with green safety that shouldn’t be an issue either I think, maybe with the exception of missile weapons, dunno. So unless some extremely rare circumstance occurred you either lie or messed up. :stuck_out_tongue:

He had a yellow skull next to his name. I have safety off from the old days.

No clue.

Most likely that means the player has a security status below 2.0 in your overview settings. I think that’s the default.

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Additionally, I think the default for indicating suspect is a flashy yellow skull, not just a solid one.

I forgot that. Thats what it was.

YES!!! That was the fun!! Watch lists, locators, get in the fast ships an run them down! That game is utterly destroyed. I’ve had people tell me they were so glad all that griefing was removed. @Q#$%^#$&#!!! Wardecs give you a warning and you can see the red folks in local. Now its just random Kamakaze with no warning.


Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I can’t rhyme,


Did that. What I did find puzzling though was, why did he quit his corp? Why did he not thank me for adding some excitement to his mind numingly boring miner’s life? Did he not enjyoy the fireworks when his hulk went BOOOOM BADA BOOOOOM ?

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I go hunting in low sec and wormholes quite often in a T3 cruiser. Depending on how I feel, I may camp a gate with a smartbombing Proteus and take out shuttles and pods. Or I may patrol exploration sites in a Loki and loot whatever explorer comes along. If I’m feeling ultra-aggressive, I might use a YOLO Hecate and facemelt anyone I can combat probe. Gas miners are also quite prolific in low sec these days. Gas mining can earn 50-100m isk per hr, so a fully-laden Prospect can be quite valuable.

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If that was genuinely true…‘most’ players would be in lowsec, thoroughly enjoying mining, trading, yada yada, without the protection of Concord. After all, lowsec is Eve without highsec. So where’s all the massive lowsec trading hubs that people supposedly want ? Where’s the flood of people leaving highsec to go live in lowsec…given that life without highsec already exists.

You are a fool.


I’m not the one perpetually making BS claims about what ‘most’ Eve players want. If most Eve players didn’t want highsec…they wouldn’t spend most of their time in it. QED.