Stop the idiotic lowsec instalocking camps

Ironic. I snuck past a lot of PVP with a cloaky ship.
As for not telling you what you want so you can play word games with whatever I say, well, go suck on it. I don’t have to tell you anything. I do enjoy your salt though. And don’t try to claim there is no salt. You are here. Therefore, there is salt. Hurf blurf and all that.

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Yet you don’t block or mute me…



You wouldn’t be enjoying it so much if there wasn’t butthurt.

Learn to play, stop whining.


This word is the last resort when you have no ground. It’s strange when people basically start from it.


Thats a silly thing to say. Butthurt is just another word for bitter.

It’s not an argument. It’s an observation. Like salty. Nor is it where i started in this thread.

Don’t try so hard.

While having similar meaning first word is used to force person to get anger and lose control.
So yeah, my point stands. One who uses word “butthurt” already lost argument and accepted it.


Cry me a river.

It’s no more provocative than saying ‘tears’ or ‘salty’.

Let’s put on big boy pants ok?

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PVE Factions are part of the PVE empires. You can’t remove PVE from PVE oriented conflict generation.

PS: I understand you don’t care and as a bot aspirant you prefer mindlessly grinding PVE only faction/loyalty points so you can get moar ISK. Yes a small part is PVP and you have a reputation of evil pirate to uphold but what you post speaks volumes.

C’mon now it depends on who the bottom is.
Come to think of it, that’s pretty much what real life boils down to. :thinking:
Obligatory “neener neener”

So in other words you don’t know ■■■■ about the actual topic and rely on forum stereotypes instead.

I know that you cannot handle NPC’s that were implemented after FW storyline updates. You can either fight it ingame or cry tears on the forum like the butthurt capsuleer you are. Next time read updates about faction warfare. I hope the NPCs stay a long time. Enjoy.

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CCP trying to desperately add bot content while players move to OP null leaving FW. I wonder what will be next step, maybe adding fleets of NPCs fighting said NPC low sec gatecamps, content running itself while no one watches, and only occasional lost ship happens here or there and tears of rage flow on the forum. :thinking:

OP NPCs fighting OP NPCs, only in EVE. EVE first, revolutionary gameplay! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Already happened during the drifter incursions.
However these NPC’s are very unlikely to have been implemented due to FW imbalance, and far more likely to simply be a temporary thing related to the plot lines going on in events.
People just love to assume rather than paying attention to world news and the announcements about these fleets going up.


Yeah, they didn’t add NPC miners before that and they didn’t add the roaming scanning ships before that… and possible a lot of other npc additions I did not see yet. Man, you don’t really get out of your gate bubble much… wink

Maybe CCP should add NPC traders that sell all the FP items those NPC’s farmed. Wouldn’t that be something?

There are no updates to faction warfare

Last update was gates checking if you have stabs and before that was the removal of svipuls from smalls

I know about the rest of bot content, but this new addition is encrouching on fields reserved to PvP oriented players. Its like they replaced the actual people doing gatecamps in low sec.

Why? Is there not enough people to fly in low sec? I dont think more will fly there after such change tho.

Its temporary, but instead of making event with CCP FCing it, gathering fleet of eager empire pilots (where to find them now?), they went with bot content (problem ((not))solved).

They wake up with their own hand in a chamber pot.

Maybe because not a single player is part of the Empire Navies?
Maybe because the Fleets are meant to be sitting there in a stand off with each other for a while and CCP Devs are not going to babysit 50 lite clients 24/7?
Do you even think about things before you post, or are you just ranting about any excuse that crosses your head on this topic.

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I saw some video about one faction bringing ships to the border and the other responding. Since I don’t do faction warfare I will suggest you inform yourself if that is not too much to ask? Maybe it’s somewhere in Markee Dragon’s video ( ? I don’t know, it is not my responsibility to inform you about changes in faction warfare. Since it looked like some event (because of the status of the faction warfare ?) it will probably be adapted soon™


Still proving my point i see.