Stop the idiotic lowsec instalocking camps

Why would I want to kill them? They don’t shoot me. #BenefitsOfBeingFW

Plus even if they did we don’t encounter them enough to welp Marshals and all manners of other stuff to them like you idiots :slight_smile:

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the minmatar ones dont shoot amarr fw guys?
i srsly i hope that is ■■■■■■■■ otherwise this game mechanic is 100% ■■■■■■

I think the minmatar ones do, just not the Amarr.

Which ofc means if we land on the gate of minnis, we jump through, if we land on the gate of amarrs, we simply go somewhere else :slight_smile:

sort your facts, kkthxbye

the amarr ones dont shoot amarrmil which is what he (probably) meant with “they dont shootme”

This new ‘content’ really shows the distance between CCP and the player base.

CCP could of implemented content that would kick start FW zones again and bring players back to low sec.
Instead we get insta locking rats on gates , that drop nothing. They attack based on standings rather than opposing militia. Lazy coding.

Minnie millita can barely flip systems due to Shadow cartel and other groups just escalating. If CCP actually looked at FW , they could of added decent content.
Maybe new FW beacons with ship restrictions - that had new FW content that correlated with the current ongoing story? Content that gave lp/ dropped tags. A REASON to do it . Sites similar to absyl sites ,with random spawns? New content?

Instead we get this sad excuse disguised as ‘content’ , with CCP response being , form a fleet and kill those 60 rats that drop nothing, and lol watch out for that SC drop as they are ON GATE.

Please liaise with the community team…oh wait

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Stop creating poor ‘content’
If you played this game you would understand why its ridiculous

Grow a pair and create real pve content for FW .


Why not have the npcs jump through the gate and fight the npcs camping the other side.

Ah yes using NPC’s to replace the players. Sign of a strong game with a growing player base


I thought this was temporary as it was part of the ongoing storyline.


risk averse solo pvpers, grow a pair and go ratting

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weird many people seem to love the new fleets

its almost like people have different taste and CCP sometimes just might not cater to yours


Who are these ‘people/’?
Literally every person who iv’e spoken too hates these new fleets.
Apart from salt mining , what is the purpose of these npcs?

Its such poor lazy content from CCP.
I’m not mad , im just disappointed…

The reason these NPC fleets are a poorly implemented idea is because there is no incentive for players to clear them out. Sure, the gate will be clear but the rats will simply respawn like nothing happened, you would think that if your fleet of 50 battleships got wiped out you wouldn’t casually just go back to the same spot and do the same thing, right?

Aww show me on the doll where the bad PvPer…

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Not sure about the Amarr/Minmatar ones but I know that the Angel ones (notthe normal rats but the powerful ones and the belt mining with their protection) don’t shoot you if you have positive standing to them. Maybe stop doing missions against them if you don’t like them shooting you.

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Fixed that for you.

Do you actually check on your PC once in a while because the forum and FW botting is getting out of hand.

Has it been verified that these NPC camps are working under the normal social standing ROE?

As a datapoint, they don’t engage me (I go through those gates pretty much daily in varied ships at the moment). I’m above -5 to all relevant parties and not a member of the militias. I don’t think I’ve passed them while suspect though so can’t say about that.

just solo them in a haw titan
