You missed my point and now i have no idea whyt you are talking about
The blockades are entirely stationary and their locations have been published in the world news. Does not take much scouting to figure their locations out
Yes, roam fw space for pvp. But here’s more pve, that doesn’t do anything for the players but get in the way…
On form techzer…
A gatecamper whining because gate camped… this made my day … no… my entire holiday!
This is true, but when we are just talking about faction warfare, we all know it attracts a lot of solo players, and newer players as well.
I don’t understand the purpose of these npc’s. And it seems like the best thing to do is just go else where. Even if you do have a fleet.
To clarify my point lets imagine a hypothetical situation.
Let’s say we have a lowsec hunting fleet and their scout gets blaped in a npc gatecamp/incursion gatecamp. What’s more likely to happen: an fc order for a reship in to pve fits to clear that one gatecamp or a simple change in desto to avoid that camp and continue hunting with a different scout?
These npc fleets do not cause a significant disturbance in the lowsec way of life to justify the effort needed to remove them.
If this is some first sign of major fw changes then by all means continue but on its own this mechanic is pointless and is a slap in the face of fw players who have been waiting for changes and improvements for years.
An oppressive lowsec entity like SC crying about gate camps. bruh all you do is cyno blops/caps on ■■■■ anyways so not being able to gate jump shouldnt be an issue?
ItsmeHcK1 decloaks
Amarr navy watching him
omae wa mou shindeiru
This Sir, is pure gold!
this is a fricking salt mine, never change lowsec
This very thread proves this was a brilliant idea to implement.
All you noobs do is cyno gank anyways so dont cry cause you cant kill new players in frigates in fw space anymore. Dont cry about them being everywhere in lowsec they are in fw space.
Go do some real pvp instead of camping fw space like the out dated noob alliance you are.
or you actually pull your hands off your asses and do something good for lowsec only once
or you know, keep catering content for nullsec - i dont even care anymore at this stage cause one must assume youre too incompetent to do anything not reatarded at this stage
Keep the salt coming my dude. I know, roaming around with the potential of dying is a terrifying thought. Though I’m sure if DnG can kill the NPC fleet then the almighty SC will have no issues.
Because killing the NPC AI you guys create is hard.
This is just PITA, another lame ass PVE idea.
This game is over.
No it isn’t, according to this DNG managed to do it with a Zealot fleet, not sure exact numbers but I’d imagine DNG could probs do 15 or so.
So it’s not hard to do, it just requires a bit of coordination. I know for a fact that Amarr/Minmatar militia can each form like 20-30 dudes together, which is enough to kill the camps. Though granted I guarantee SC would likely try to drop them, then cry more on the forums about how they’re still getting killed.
im not sure who is more butthurt here, itsme because he got killed by npcs or you gian for no ■■■■■■■ reason
i’d bet its because he cant kill them while he camps with his carriers under his fort :thonking: