Stop the idiotic lowsec instalocking camps

I caught my mistake just before you put me in my place. Still hiding my face in embarrassment, though.

Shame on me. Killed my own point.


Killed it dead with you’re apostrophe.

(Sorry sorry)


Wait what?
NPCs are enforcing peaceful commerce and transport on their gates?

What’s wrong with immersion? What’s wrong with content? It’s not like the NPCs are going to start websites mocking you about you being bad at Eve.

Perhaps you don’t like having PVE forced on you. Well, it’s a sandbox game. And it’s content. It’s OK for you to force PVP on other players, right? Why don’t you just deal with it? Or maybe Eve is not for you and you can’t handle it? Hello Kitty Online is that way —>

Bantz aside, It’s rather interesting development. But I once got chased from station to station by those sleeper drones in highsec so perhaps we are seeing new developments in the game that actually mean something. Do those NPC ships drop anything nice?


Revenge of the Butt Hurt :rofl:

Sadly the only real value to the change.

Somebody must have seriously outrageously roflstomped some dev team member :rofl:


That’s what I don’t get, EVE would make a terrible PVE game.

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Its not that it would make a terrible pve game, everything in eve thats pve is already terrible. People defending pve being forced on people looking to pvp by saying pvp gets forced on pve players is a ■■■■■■■ embarrassing comparison.


Ah the snowflakery is strong in you. Content is not anything YOU get to define, sweetheart.
Flagged for using a word that I would get flagged for using, BTW. Fair is fair. Just like forced PVE is as fair as forced PVP. Choke on it.


We’re only defending forced PVE because if the smarmy elitist attitude of everybody who defended forced PVP all these years.
But if you want to personalize it and bring suffering on yourself for it, I’m fine with that.


Oh we can laugh now but CCP will get “phone calls” from they who are coddled and we’ll be seeing some changes that let the game return back to its normal gate-camped-to-death self.
Maybe those calls will get redirected to someone who says “sorry. New owners. HTFU”. You never know.

Where do you get your ships/weapons/modules?
Do you pay for them? That money came from NPCs.
The BPOs that built the numerous Catalysts you use were bought from NPCs.

Without NPCs you wouldn’t even be here.


First there were Drifters introduced as new AI, then NPC miners introduced in belts by CCP. Then this happened, NPC gate camps. What is funny, devs didnt learn anything, they have watched how drifters were fighting with NPC pirates, and no payer was watching this, I wonder when they will realize that NPCs dont pay and play the game, they are a game. If that game looks stupid, it doesnt appeal to anyone, its not a matter of HTFU, its a matter of preference. To who these gate camps by NPCs can be appealing? To devs?

I dont think that was actually a good idea.

What I am afraid about is new “abilities” that will be able to be used by characters, in a form of spawning for example a swarm of NPCs on their side, to their aid, and it will be available everywhere. :thinking:
There was something similar suggested on EVE Vegas by dev.

I dont understand the crying! No one is forcing PVE on you! Its FW space and these are FW rats who happen to be part of whatever factions militia space you happen to be flying in and theyll blast your azz if they catch you…just as any other faction rats shoot you on a gate. Stop crying like the millenial btches that you are and figure it the fck out! DnG did it! All this f*ckin crying and complaining all the damn time!


Herzog pointing out your butt hurt is not him being butt hurt. It doesn’t work that way.


Why would I be butt hurt? I have not lost a ship and even if I had I don’t weep over pixel death. It is a dumb design that has no other purpose than to make those who have been gate camped feel better. It is literally like some dev got ganked and wanted revenge.

How should I know?

Here’s what I do know, though. If it looks butt hurt and it acts butt hurt, then it’s probably butt hurt. So stop acting butt hurt and I’ll stop pointing out that you are butt hurt.


In other words your just making ■■■■ up. Got it, I won’t waste time reading your responses.

Shhhh. You are not supposed to correct the snowflakes.

Now now. We’re dealing with people who cut their teeth in the TEARS alliance. These were the pre CODE. people. You see when it became possible to blue the wrecks (abandon) they lost their ability to aggro-fu hapless mission runners into forced PVP that they were not ready for. Their play “style” - litterbox not sandbox - was wrecked. CODE. is the temper tantrum that resulted.
Back then, during the height of TEARS, when they ninja’d wrecks, if the mission runner said anything, it was butthurt or tears, If the mission running did not say anything, then that means he was so messed up that he was unable to, and therefore, also tears or butthurt. If the mission runner shot his own wrecks, that was also deemed tears or butthurt.
So I don’t let it bother me when they say that any opinion I have is butthurt. They need to take anything they can get so they can feel better, and deem anything they want to be whatever they want. They are the ones living in a temper tantrum - in game at least.
I personally don’t care about any of this but I do love making them do a 180 on their own “rules” and standards for what the game should be. Even if they are incapable of seeing it - or perhaps they get off on pretending not to see it. .Enjoyable either way.


That is really over the top.

Funny how it’s OK for PVPers to gatecamp PVE players yet when when PVPers get gatecamped by and forced into PVE, it’s a game-killer?!? :joy:

Pot, kettle…