Stop the idiotic lowsec instalocking camps

Looks suspiciously similar to average anti-ganking post from high-sec miners…


Stop complaining that we are complaining ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Faction Warfare… full of Bots.

Null full of Bots.

Faction Warfare NPC / CCP Bot Gatecamps

sooo… when is this new feature being added to Null? They only have the bot feature and it would not be fair to Null for them to miss out on this new feature. … and then they can “grow a pair”.

Oh and NPC Code! lol




Empress Jamyl died as a result of a Drifter gank. Thats not a joke. CCP and their funny ideas.

Ah, the troubles of war. One more innocent OP getting caught up in the action. Too bad that as an immortal capsuleer, he can continue whining forever.


That’s the way it is because that’s the way it is?

Eve is a pvp game that revolves around competition and economics. That’s why everyone is open to pvp.

As pointed put to the previous moron,

Npc’s don’t take man hours or resources. They are an unlimited presence for zero cost.

If you pulled your thumb out your arse and defeated another player by committing time and effort, well done you!

But npc’s getting in the way of players whilst offering nothing in return for clearing them just makes players avoid the area.

EVE is whatever the overlords say it is. Not what you say it is.

You “elites” can keep crying and pushing your wishful agenda, but it means exactly dick. You have no say in how things will be. And it’s pretty obvious how things will be.

Fluffy Penguin has mandated CCP scrub the forum of dissent and implement dumbing down the game. And along with putting randomized loot crates and other MT crap into the game, they have already begun removing PVP from high sec. If you don’t see the trend, then you are willfully blinding yourself to reality and I feel sorry for you.

The only choice you have is whether to stay or find another game.

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Darn. I missed it.

Didn’t you just have an episode over someone using a colloquialism? Practice what you preach.

Good , remove NPC mining fleets also then

Didn’t you just have an episode over someone using a colloquialism? Practice what you preach.

Check the eve faq. The overlords say eve is a fulltime pvp sandbox.

Lol the carebears got what they asked for. Literally.

I don’t see fw pilots asking for blockades that restrict content…

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I have an excellent idea for future EVE development!

You know how EVE used to be super fun because there were lots of players getting up to shenanigans all over the place?

Obviously, we’re never going to get back to that, but what if - hear me out - what if we just program NPCs to do everything players used to do? Then it won’t feel so sad and lonely in here.

We just need to figure out how to make them talk ■■■■ in local now…


NPCs get in my way all of the time. What the heck are you talking about? Heck the damned NPCs even set these exploding hack traps! I lost two Asteros to those.
As a matter of fact, I got primaried by NPCs during a live event too.
Some strange NPC Serpentis escalation took out my exploration ship a few years ago, right before SoE ships came out. I have been in and out of wormholes and through nullsec in that ship for nearly three years and I kept it alive even through several incidents involving other players. But nope: NPCs finally got it.

Now I see these new sites full of content but when I go there, I’m getting shot at! THIS IS UNFAIR!

Damn it CCP! NERF NPCs!!!


Current devs are just bad and they keep adding more bad ■■■■ than good what actually caught on as it was intended from all new NPC aditions than burners and abyss? Resource wars sucked mining npcs suck fob suck sotuyos suck drifters suck

It’s possible with AI. Look back a few years. Remember an AI called “Tay” and how it got uh…er… redpilled? It turned into such a politically incorrect smacktalking bot they had to “shut it down”. Surely a simply AI can manage the kind of low tier bantz we have seen come out of gate campers when they are looking at your SB vanish into the distance.

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I actually really like the mining NPCs, because they just add to the scenery and don’t bother anyone who matters.


You sought out exploration game play and got exploration game play. Did you have a chance of getting a reward when you started? Good for you. This is different.

A live event you went to. Did the live event keep coming back ad infinitum to interfere with your gameplay? This is different.

So you were farming escalations and found an escalation. Did you have a chance of reward? Good for you. This is is different.

Let me guess, running some pve you chose to do?

The difference here is that fw pilots are trying to engage eachother in pvp. The whole reason fw exists is to enable pvp. But instead players are being restricted from reaching eachother by NPCs. This gets in the way of fw primary function.

If you told people;

‘sign up to faction warfare today for themepark gameplay and running the gauntlet of npc gate camps. Oh and there’s no point in shooting them’

Then no one would mind npc gate camps. But that’s not what fw is is it? This isn’t like mining npc’s that players ASKED for. Or danger in exploration that players ASKED for.

I think you should be less disingenuous and more honest with yourself.

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There’s no point in PVP either. Except for “muh stats”. So one thing that one player obsesses over is something other players don’t give two craps about. See how that works?
I for one welcome our NPC gate camping overlords.
Now shall I complain about some PVP I would be told “well, you agree to it by undocking! Hurf blurf! HTFU!”
Ok then. You agree to NPCs attacking you when you undock. It’s content! Eve is a niche game. Why don’t you apply your skills and pick yourself up by the bootstraps. Kids today, all they do is complain…

I wonder if the NPC will do what the players did when people stop going to lowsec: complain about it endlessly on the forums.
Or given what it takes to be a kill-everything-that-moves-for-no-reason kind of player who camps gates, maybe those were the bots? :open_mouth: