uh lots of things…? o.O confused face
Thats not what we are talking about though.
ok so what are we talking about if not harassment & toxicity i.e death threats
which again are things that should be enough for most people right?
But that IS what its all about according to you.
Gosh, you do t make this easy.
yeah not following mate sorry
I am against harassment and griefing.
if you’re referring to the cases I mentioned upthread, you’re missing the point I added later:
It doesn’t matter if CCP bans everyone involved. The problem with griefing and harassment on a IRL level is that it perseveres regardless of the digital medium: game, social media, email, chat, text, whatever. “CCP needs to ban people” is just putting a band-aid on a deeper problem, and no amount of talking here is going to solve it. It is not the “core issue”. The core issue is you don’t understand this.
CCP can moderate in-game actions via its own game but is it responsible for people being -heads outside of the game? Collective history of all gaming companies points to “no”. (Notable exception for special events like tournaments and such that demand sportsmanlike conduct in exchange for selective invitation).
Neither is anyone else, madam.
Righto good talk
You dont make it easy
What if I’m defending my territory, and the person I gank just refuses to leave so I keep ganking them? Is that “targeted harassment”?
I hear what you are saying & I think its about time that changed personally even on a political level real world laws should be just as real here
Sorry but these game companies are publishers its about time they accept some more responsibility I think
Hey you finally came around to my view.
If they are refusing to leave are you targeting them? think about it
common sense prevails right?
Still don’t know what that means if you dont want to be upfront & just say what you mean?
How would you even begin to enforce that?
is that a serious question?
Okay so what you’re sayin is I’m not allowed to chase FW targets from plex to plex cuz that would be “targeted harassment”. Okay great you just destroyed an entire community and play style due to the lack of depth in your thinking.
Literally didn’t say that but ok
Ive asked three times now, so one more try I guess.
In the title there is the word “grief”. What specific act caused the unnamed Streamer to stop?
Sorry but you can’t wiggle out of the natural conclusions of your statements. You can’t cherry pick what situations it applies to. Targeted is targeted.