I understand that, and have met a few people in EvE that needed help irl. How protective we can be of and for people with ‘bigger issues’ in a game like this one is a tough question to answer, if there even is an adequate answer. The same is true for any other game or sport or passtime activity. But that’s not the scope of your OP, but perhaps a subject for the official thread.
The official thread is a dumpster fire of intergalactic proportions…
A lightning rod, at least
My guy, streaming in EVE brings risks.
You got no opsec and peeps know where you are at all times.
You gotta be extra vigilant or ok with dying LOL.
And that is somehow a fellow gamer’s responsibility?
Oh noes, I have PTSD from 'Nam so you aren’t allowed to bump or gank me while I’m mining, else I’ll tell CCP…
In EvE not only do we players craft the ships & equipment we also craft our environment
yes it is.
We craft the ships etc & try to blow them up any which way. That’s the game.
It was one Machariel, pilot Adrian Vexier
Well… Adrian is just bumping him, that is not harassment at all… you are supposed to sabotage other people’s mining operation anyway.
Hateless is doing just like that guy at Lonetrek who everyday mines for 12 hours with 1 orca and 13 Covetors for years.
I linked specifically that loss mail because that is how you deal with other people, just kill them in any means you can!
He held an Orca with suspect baiting and he got ganked… this is proper antiganking anti baiting!
That day I emailed Dunsche Kofood and Adrian Vexier congratulating them both for the spectacle… only Dunsche replied, he was a true chad!
If Hateless don’t have the guts to deal with his enemies, then he has to look for people like Dunsche Kofood! #wink
Had anyone else stood back to look at the larger picture here?
and applying a clearer focus on reducing ganking to make PvP gameplay in Highsec more equitable and fun for all players. eveonline news/view/fanfest-day-two-wrap-up
Can you connect the dots?
They’re going to remove the green safety ?
Removing green also removes
No probs. When I started there were no safety settings, pcu was high, and we stuck around haha.
…And nothing of value was lost.
No one has said this involves repeatedly following him around, nor that any of this falls outside systems that the gankers normally even operate in. Repeatedly ganking and bumping him is not itself harassment.
2:38:50 in the stream
“That’s how you handle this, that’s the only way you handle this, you just turn the other cheek, smile and move on! Right?”
What a little bear, I didn’t know much about this guy, but now I strongly dislike him as a player.
Sorry I didn’t go into specifics names details
I don’t feel it was my place to do so & wasn’t the point of my rant
How is it that other players are able to avoid this “harassment”?
Is Hateless doing something wrong? Should he try a different strategy?
I don’t think other people are avoiding this harassment
victim blaming doesn’t become you