Streamer stops due to grief

The sense I got was that it was the verbal harrassment that tipped him over the edge. If it was being ganked that irked him then I don’t really have much sympathy; he’s been playing the game long enough to know how to avoid most ganks, or at least accept the odd loss as the price of flying bling around populated systems.

On the other hand, if he’s been deliberately chased around and targeted by the same player(s) every time he undocks then this could definitely be classed as harrassment in my view.


Because they don’t want this to be about harassment they want it to be about ‘ganking’

Because it’s not harassment.

Harassment is making IRL death/rape threats.

Following people around IS the game.

It’s a PvP game. You are supposed to be following people around.

Should PAPI alliance be banned for “harassing” Goonswarm?


I watched the stream. Simple facts:

  1. At around the 2h15 min mark his orca gets bumped a first time. And then he continues getting bumped. He was not denied “content”. He was perhaps denied not making optimal ISK with the remaining Hulk fleet. No one was attacked

  2. When the streamer decides to go do something else, and moves away with a number of his alts, the
    “bumper” follows him through gates.

  3. The streamer, who is getting a bit worked up about the “bumper” showing up at the same gates, tries to warn him off via his stream with the promise to “report him for griefing”, and that he has had other people removed from the game for “griefing”.

  4. At that point, bar the bumping, no interference with any other activity has occurred. The streamer never started any other activity.

  5. He was reacting on his own expectation of being interfered with again. He opened a ticket and closed the stream.

In my opinion, since the second activity was never started, there was no interference with that activity. And bumping itself is not harassment.( So the basis for the ticket will in all cases be very shaky. Getting bumped in that context is not fun, of course, but a complicating matter.

Streamers are not privileged people. Calling for actions against an other player because he does not like being being bumped out of boosting range is a bit rich. Technically he could continue the mining activity. If ccp has any other response to his ticket than one coming from a non-streamer, that would be an issue.

As usual, not all the facts are known from just watching a stream. There may be a history between the two players, adding to the mood of the streamer. If this person would have sent ingame emails with threats of griefing or worse, then the case would clearly be in favor of the streamer. The streaming itself would not be a factor.


death threats are not a part of any PvP game & are illegal in most countries so why is it allowed to continue? its hard for you to say theirs no toxicity if you have been threatened

There’s plenty of toxicity in EvE.

However, Hateless is not a victim of “harassment”, and his claim to be “harassed” is demeaning to people who have actually experienced harassment. Hateless is trying to grind for isk, and other players are simply playing the game, by acting to limit his profits. That is normal intended gameplay.

By crying about “harassment”, Hateless is contributing to the problem, by distracting the developers from instances of actual harassment.


Direct from CCP:

The ability to bump other ships is a valid in-game mechanic, and is not considered to be an exploit.

Similarly, the act of bumping itself, even if it is frequent or targeted, is not considered to be harassing behavior.

Ahh ok, I had only seen his video response - I didn’t realise he was referencing events from his stream, which I hadn’t seen.

Being followed/chased in those circumstances is definitely part of the game and, as far as I can see, not a violation of EULA. The fuzzy line comes when a player is actively targeted by the same player(s) every time they log on and undock. I don’t think that was even close to what happened, judging by your description of the stream.


I don’t think it is up to us to decide if he was being harassed that seems like something that CCP should be doing but this completely missed my point

If you yourself have received death threats why is that allowed to continue?

just pointing out the irony to them that we have people in the community
actively making death threats but hateless was 100% not harassed o.O

If there are people like that playing EVE who would kill themselves over it, they have far larger mental issues than getting “harassed” in a video game…

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Wow so just belittle depression & mental health?

everything you do effects your mental health shutting down is the worst thing a person can do

Yes, it does.

In Fortnite, you win by shooting the other players, and preventing them from continuing. This is a PvP game. Players are allowed to PvP against Highsec miners.

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He still might stream just not Eve Online Content.


Sure. A significant (and increasing) number of people have mental problems, some undoubtedly play EVE. That doesn’t change the fact that harassing someone compounds on top of those issues. Most games tend to crack down hard on any and all harassment because they are games, they are designed for entertainment not as a platform to bully people. CCP on the other hand is openly fine with many types of harassment as it currently stands.

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the streamer in question is not shutting down mentally. In fact he said he would continue to play eve, just not create more videos about eve.

I like many of his videos. I hope he cools down and decides he has to tackle this in a different way (like not mining in Caldari hisec, most likely in an Edencom system in The Citadel, which everyone knows) and continue to create new videos.

Regarding stream sniping, streaming EvE is not a god given right.


My thoughts exactly

I won’t talk for hateless but in general i was giving advice in reply to quake
suggesting people who do that have ‘bigger issues’

we simply dont know — what we do know is the world has suffered from
depression & what it can lead to

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Lol Streamers are scum. In every game they play they have huge benefits and developers who “protect” them from other players.

In FPS PvPvE games we have streamers broadcasting their location to literally thousands or tens of thousands via Internet, but if someone goes and kills them they cry stream sniping and in some cases people get banned for “harassing” the streamer and carrying out the supposed “stream sniping”.

If you are broadcasting your entire location in a PvP game regardless of the genre stop crying like a ■■■■■ when you get PvP’ed.
Im sure when he jumps on someone and it’s a 1 v 100 he thinks he so great at the game.

Good job ganking him, hope many more leave.


<---- the point ---- you ------>