Streamer stops due to grief

No again I agree ganking & pvp is part of the game we have established that
what isn’t ok is stalking and or harassment ^.^ we are beating a dead horse now

Hateless wasn’t stalked.

He broadcasts his location openly in a PvP game.

My statement stands

Ok, well, you started this post.

You are claiming that Hateless was “griefed”.

Who griefed him? How and when?

I started this post saying stating a streamer had quit because they had felt harassed

I have claimed that its not up to me to determine IF they were griefed

I have stated other players including yourself have felt harassed in the past even to the point of receiving death threats

So you acknowledge that Hateless might be exaggerating, or perhaps even deliberately misrepresenting the facts for personal gain?

I don’t victim blame until its been determined one way or the other however I do not ignore people when they say they have felt harassed again including yourself

If I have skewed the facts by stating toxicity may be I problem I don’t see how that could be for personal gain

I think some people pretend they are being harassed, in order to try and increase their isk/hr profits. Hateless is one of those people.

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Sure people probably do that other people probably receive actual death threats
clearly their is an issue at the core of this

Yes, I receive actual death threats on a regular basis.

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Then that should be stopped & CCP should step in protecting players safety :smiley: pun

Your safety

The last person I reported for a death threat was possibly banned on a throwaway alt, but then they came back on a new character and threatened to kill me for reporting them. So reporting them accomplished nothing, and simply made the situation worse. My guess is that CCP struggles to investigate actual harassment, because they receive too many fake exaggerated reports from people who are only pretending to be harassed. Hateless is a prime example, as he clearly tends to claim that every instance of PvP is “targeted harassment”. Bumping someone’s Orca is not real harassment, and I have absolutely received IRL death threats from people that Hateless fleets with.


It was said that it is a Streamer Problem and that a Miner can mine for many hours without anything happening but… BUT as soon as that Miner starts to stream then that sort of thing starts to happen.

twitch . tv/videos/1577011910?t=2h54m40s

It is not a Eve Online Problem it is a Twitch Stream Snipe Problem


That’s a serious problem to me — we all get its hard to investigate these types of issues
but its not a problem specific to EvE

We pay enough money to expect better security for everyone online then maybe just maybe we can fly for fun o7

I have a question.

First, a story. I’ve told this story before, so some of you might already be familiar with it.

Back in like 2010 or so, as I was doing high-sec mercenary work and running my little protection racket, I declared war on a group of carebears to extract a ransom (one of many such targets I’ve pursued). After a while of blowing up their ships, a few of them dragged me into a chat, and told me that one of their members had a bad heart condition, and although he was able to otherwise live life fairly normally, he couldn’t take the stress of my “repeated griefing.” They told me that I was harassing them, and that they didn’t agree to this. They said that they would report me to CCP for what I was doing. I tried to give them a way out (i.e. pay the ransom and secure a protection contract), but they wouldn’t budge and told me they’d get me punished for breaking the rules.

I continued going after them (I didn’t single anyone out, and went after random targets of opportunity), and after a week or two their corporation broke up (like many such corporations were wont to do). Then I got another message from some of their members: the member whom they were talking about, the one with the heart condition, passed away because of the stress caused by my repeated attacks.

So my question is: did I harass these players, especially the one with the heart condition?


Ok, so now I’ve watched the relevant parts of the stream (there’s half-an-hour of my life I’ll never get back) and I can’t see that he was really harrassed. If a Machariel is really that hard to dislodge then everyone would be using them. What he experienced was annoying yes, frustrating yes, but harrassment? I don’t think so.

He should go mine in low/null, use a cloaky cyno and get his mates to blop if gankers show up. That way he gets to show people how to multibox mining (yawn) and possibly create a much more interesting stream through emergent gameplay.

Of course, death threats are a whole different kettle of fish.


ROFL we ain’t talking real physical danger. We talking pixels in a vidya game.

Get a grip.

Death threats in a vidya game? They most likely were talking about his character LOL.

I don’t follow are you saying harassment isn’t a real thing?
I think it is fairly well established

There’s a streaming vacuume to be filled here. Are you up for it?

Hateless is in a big null sec group. There used to be times when these groups could not do anything like he does in high sec because they were under continuous war decs. Instead of farming in high sec, where they do not generate any meaningful content, they were forced to stay in null sec and be the content that the game needs to be fun, engaging, meaningful and exciting.

Then CCP “fixed” war decs and now these big null sec groups can go on without a war for weeks or months. That removed a lot of risk for them. Thanks to that, for years, people like him have been able to do these content removing activities in high sec. He is not experiencing griefing or harassment. He is experiencing the risk that this game used to relentlessly exert on its players. He is simply not used to it anymore and can’t deal with it anymore.

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