Study to if your eve char has your irl gender

Wut in the scam website is this LOL.

I identify as a non-binary pansexual Mesopotamian Giraffe, and EVE doesn’t have a character for that…

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if data is gathered it will be used. Possibly not by you, but whomever runs that site earns their keep that way… Don’t pretend otherwise!

And here we have just another anti-ganking thread.

This is obviously an elaborate way to get gankers’ IP addresses to use for IRL harassment and griefing.

Like tbh…
When you go on any website they get alot of your data…
probably even in the forums

Yes 1500 plex and nothing will happen xD

That poll could have been made in forum, there is option for it.

oh thanks for letting me know i will make a new poll

Just so you know, we will troll that one, too…


were is my 500 plex for doing this form?

Yikes this thread is pretty offensive. Y’all really should chill on making fun of gay/trans people. They get enough hate as is.

Didnt you know? You arent allowed to be offended these days. The herd has spoken.

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