Here are some numbers for avid logistic pilots. Those numbers are the maximum values you can squeeze out of logistic ships and the t1 cruisers and frigates.
What does 1 or 2 mean? it means meta or t2
What does 4x1 or 3x2 mean? In a fleet setup you go for maximum effect you fit 3x rep and 2x cap on the t1 ones and 4 reps and 2x cap for the t2 cruisers.
all values are in HP or capacitor per second but I don’t know how much dps you are tanking or repping.
all values are without heat because those values are only temporary, so be careful with heat.
Tech one cruisers-------------------------------------
Exequror 1 = 182 + 70 = 252
Exequror 2 = 208 + 70 = 278
Augoror fleet 1 = 182 armor + 129.6 cap
Augoror fleet 2 = 208 armor + 140.4 cap
Osprey fleet 1 = 183 shield + 129.6 cap
Osprey fleet 2 = 207.375 shield + 140.4 cap
scythe 1 = 182,8125 + 64.8 = 247,6125 shield
scythe 2 = 207,1875 + 64.8 = 271,9875 shield
Logistic cruisers-------------------------------------
Basilisk 4x1 = 300 shield + 36 shield + 129.6 cap
Basilisk 4x2 = 340 shield + 36 shield + 140.4 cap
Guardian 4x1 = 298.66 armor + 129.6 cap
Guardian 4x2 = 341.33 armor + 140.4 cap
scimitar 1 = 300 shield + 64.8 = 364.8 shield
scimitar 2 = 340 shield + 64.8 = 404.8 shield
Oneiros 4x2 = 341.33 + 70 = 411.33 armor
Oneiros 4x1 = 298.66 + 70 = 368.66 armor
Basilisk / Guardian drones = 36 shield / 35 armor / 17.5 hull
Exequror / Oneiros drones = 72 shield / 70 armor / 40 hull (can be used for hull-tanked ships but since you will be flying by yourself I suggest using some defensive drones like 2x flights of light drones in the bay instead)
Tengu 6xa = 381 shield (491,61 with heat and Pith A-Type)
Tengu 6x2 = 255 shield (329 with heat)
Legion 6xa = 376 armor (480 with heat and Centus A-Type)
Legion 6x2 = 256 armor (326.81 with heat)
Proteus = Legion
Logistic frigates-----------------------------------------
Deacon t2 = 125.22
Thalia t2 = 125.22
Kirin t2 = 128
scalpel = sorry, don’t fly minmatar, but the values should not differ much from the Kirin
Just an advice for avid logi pilots, put a light combat drone in that bay and assign it to the tackle. That way you can whore on the kills - logi op Smile
Tech one frigates------------------------------------------
Bantam base 1 = 84.75
Bantam base 2 = 96
I left the other t1 frigates out but you can safely assume that the remote repair values are similar. Feel free to ask questions as long as the thread is open.
About the scimitar, I recently found out that it isn’t in your best interest to fit 4x large t2 remote shield boosters, though it can be done.
But with most things that can be done, doesn’t mean they should and the fellow logi pilots did know this already.
A thing about the Basilisk, she sure wasn’t designed for solo works, but it can be done but she is difficult to fly by yourself, so I recommend practicing on the test server, your wallet(s) can thank me later.
Added values for T3 cruisers with t2 modules and shiny modules.