Subcompact TEBS interface buyback

Take note I’m not insulting your ability to hold onto it. More so saying maybe the north just didn’t have the real financial potential that Delve had. That it was just fate that you end up there instead.

You moved in after kicking out the original owners and got to work right away on the region’s resources. Instant profit practically, every card played on the note and the righr hands shaked.

Greener (Reder) pastures.

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, read the IGS, and immediately held Clancy Gognee responsible for everything wrong in the world. So I vowed to destroy him and his organisation just like I destroyed CONCORD and Oveg Drust. So I instructed my staff to release the meme worms.

I might reconsider after breakfast.



And the Valkyrie call us monsters?

Might I suggest starting off with a fresh sliced orange and plate of made bacon made with Zoogun meat?

Hideous looking creature. But the taste with a little bit of citrus always puts me in a good mood. Might do the same for you.


So, you’re going to posture at him on the forums until everyone’s calling you an idiot and telling you to shut the hell up?

I’ll get in early: shut the hell up.


Well I haven’t seen @Oveg_Drust or @Aux_Aliette posting on the IGS lately, since the incident with the Objekt, have you ?:thinking:



Didn’t see them posting on the IGS before that, either. So congratulations on taking credit for people behaving exactly the same way they were before. You have reached new lows of vacuous mendacity. :clap:


Maybe you weren’t looking at the right threads.

Not every thread consists of you and Mizhara pillow fighting each other. :thinking:


Ladies, ladies! Relax

Plenty of Clance to go around…Even got a clone!

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You know Miss Funk I’m really rather shocked that you’d just give away a thousand of these devices to one person, especially one who is so clearly tied to an organisation interested in hoarding this technology and keeping it out of the hands of New Eden at large then going and labeling the market contract “for science.”

Handing every instance of these interfaces to either of these boobs is the surefire way to prevent this technology from ever being properly studied or researched. Research that could have greatly benefited the Hematology Advancement Program.

I hope you keep that in mind, moving forward. I know I certainly will should I end up acquiring any copies of this technology. Maybe it’s just because I’m a little shite at heart but something about these men wanting every TEBs to themselves has really inspired me to make digging into their business my business.


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the entire reason she does anything.


The Valkyrie are at war with you, this was simply the smart move. Especially since most capsuleers would have hit your bases just for the ‘fun’ of it. The loot would probably be secondary to many.

A good commander will choose the smart move above ‘balls’ every time. I find myself really wanting to take Ran Kavik to dinner sometime, I think it would be a fascinating evening.


Is Morgan Wulver accusing Makoto’s outfit of research hoarding, research that could have benefited the… Haematology Advancement Program ?

Not the most obvious of causes to take up, but if he’s chosen that hill to die on, well, good for him.



Please, allow me to be your waiter for the evening…

No weapons allowed. I would second the dinner proposition and offer financial support to their activities. I hear the sisters of eve are helping them out so that may be a good way of getting in contact with the Valkyrie

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Is Rán Kevik hot or something? There seems to be a line of desperate Gallente men forming.


To be fair, yeah? Kinda? Aren’t the Firetails keeping an eye on the competiton anymore?


Well us blondes are beautiful…

Maybe I’ll arrange a crossover episode


She’s certainly attractive I’d say, but I’m actually serious about it being a fascinating dinner. There’s more to attraction than just looks.

Oh, and I’m Intaki, I no longer associate myself with the Gallente Empire.


We are leaving of our own accord due to overcrowding while you were evicted. I think there’s a clear difference there. I wouldn’t call the move “evac’ing” but that’s just the spin your propaganda team put on it.

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