Suicide Ganking in High Sec

Well CCP has changed the game almost the point of not being the original game. Nothing is seat in stone and ganking with no consequences should be looked at.

Again I will state, that -10 security standing characters are still actively ganking in High Sec. That high sec has lost more ships year to date then null sec. That includes the biggest longest war Eve has EVER SEEN!

High Sec should have more rewards for the risk or gankers should have real consequences! I would also note that Null sec makes a LOT of isk ganking players in high sec and that most CSMs are null sec players.

Why don’t you try represent your self in CSM as a hisec player?

Because I don’t have the time and I don’t have the patience to put up with CCP or the players. It isn’t like CCP want this to be a better game but they do want it to more profitable.

Like what?

First we need to observe such thing.

I think Concord should have the diamond AI, so they will pod. Maybe remove -10 characters from high sec all together. Maybe not allowing -10 characters to dock in NPC stations. Maybe make ganking -1 to standing and not -.1 like it is now. Maybe stop -10 characters from taking ships from fleet hanger to gank. Maybe spawn more Concord in high ganking/criminal systems to match know ganking numbers. Maybe locking tech 2 guns,l faction ammo and tech 2 ammo behind the pay wall. Maybe reduce the loot drop when ganking in high sec. Or just maybe increasing the rewards in high sec to reflect the real danger of flying in high sec. Heck any thing more then what CCP is doing now but it is not like CCP/CSMs cares about high sec.

If there where real consequences -10 characters would be actively ganking in high sec. to get to -10 without podding is like 50-100 ganks. There are multiple kills on zkillboard with -10 characters ganking high sec. I have watched this going on for years and have spoke out against it but it is not like CCP or CSM care. Just like I started speaking up about the war decs before CCP looked in them.

Why would this matter? How is this a “real consequence” compared to ship loss? You think gankers are going around with heads full of high grade implants?

This impacts a much larger group of players than just gankers and would be entirely unfair to those.

Again, this impacts a much larger group thank just gankers.

What would be the point? You’ve already said that -10 are able to roam around highsec and dock? How is this a “real consequence”?

Once again, this impacts more than just gankers.

What? Concord already responds faster in higher sec systems. And how is this a “real consequence” to gankers? This is a complete change in Concord mechanics.

So now you’re going to screw all of the other Alpha characters just because you’re a whiney crybaby about getting ganked? This is even assuming that the gankers aren’t already using Omega accounts like Kusion has been doing all this time. So this change wouldn’t even make a difference.

And again, how is this a “real consequence” to gankers? This is a complete change to Alpha mechanics and accessibility.

How is this a “real consequence” this is just another game mechanic change. What even counts as “ganking” in this case? If you’re at war with someone and gank a freighter from a hostile corporation, now your drops a reduced? What about alts? This impacts more than just gankers.

tHe ReAL dAnGeR oF fLyInG iN hIgH sEc
Supposedly, a fully grown, adult human being sat down and actually typed those words while being 100% serious. Jesus christ.

So all I’m seeing is “I’m scared of PvP, get them away from me” with all this whining. None of these are “real consequences” to ganking. They’re just random mechanic changes or game system changes to make High Sec even more a carebear wonderland than it already is.

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So the issue is that you can only imagine the most extreme consequences.
Fortunately, Reality is doing pretty fine outside your limited imagination.

Because it would be an added cost to replace. Yes losing implant can be a consequence.

Well criminals should be allowed in Empire space.

Well the only players that include are the low sec players and they only lose security standing for podding. Null sec loses nothing for killing or podding.

Well the gankers would have make more alt account and spend more time training, that is a consequence.

There are ganks in 1.0 systems. If gankers group in mass in systems, concord respond by pre spawning in like numbers. If their are alot of gankers the game has to spawn concord of pull then from close by systems and that slows down responses even more. For the isk that players are taxed in high sec and market tansaction concord should be a HUGE GROUP!

How is that screw alpha any more then locking battleships, level 4 missions, PI, skills or any thing else behind the pay wall? So it would force gankers to put money in CCP wallets.

Well War decs should about control space not isk but the war dec corps get the station cores now, so reduced loot drops from players should hit them too. Hey CCP has put many game changes in the game that effected everyone but gankers. Why should they not feel the changes too?

First I am not scared of PvP but ganking is not PvP. That is like saying high school kids beating up kindergarteners is a fair fight. I am stating that ever activity in High Sec has had their payout reduced while gankers have only seen buffs. Did you forget that all ships had their EHP changed about year or two ago? While tech 2 ammo and faction amm got buffs. Everyone here in the game and that includes CCP, speaks about risk vs reward until you point out that high sec loses more ships every year then any where else. That is fact, period.

these are not extreme. Extreme would be locking you out of high sec after one or two ganks. Extreme might be banning logging in. I have no issues with gankers ganking but the consequences needs to reflect the LARGE rewards.

Why are you trying to smuggle that “fair fight” crap into the discussion? PVP don’t requires fairness , all it need is player with conflicting interest.

And about you claim that Highsec is dangerous, That is not HS being dangerous, that is people being lazy, careless and proud of it.

I see that you are quite found in arguing semantics. My point stands, you are willfully ignorant of the consequences that exist.

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Main reason is that you got no enough voices to enter CSM. Because most of players which meet requirements for voting don’t recognise hisec gunking as a problem to be discussed in CSM.

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Yes Eve the game where people learn how to cheat, steal and break the rules. Exploits are acceptable as long as ccp makes money. Of course its part of the game mechanic to bug out concord so you can gank freely.

Low sec and nul sec are where the bots are. LOL!, you guys have some scam going. This high sec vs low sec, old players who are gifted dominance by CCP. And High sec people keep paying the bills. We keep the lights on and low and nul get a free ride.

No sir, those are just old players that fought for dominance, longer then you are in the game, and prevailed (while most failed). And now you, coming late to the show, demand to get in a silver plate what they conquered.

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Go live in low or null you wont get ganged.

Indigenous were first in America. No, in real life being there first does not give someone an advantage but in this game it does. Settlers had innovation, CCP is responsible for innovation in EVE, players can not innovate we get what CCP gives us. There is a difference.

I am well aware of the color coded system used to keep informal alliances. A new person to low and Null sticks out like a sore thumb. New vs Old. It’s just new player greefing.

Bring it on.

So far you only cried and blamed CCP/better players for your own incompetence.

If you can’t then maybe Eve is not a game for you, go play something else.

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There are more players in high sec, thus there will be more losses. And, for the record, plenty of nullsec players have alts in highsec.