There is nothing I can say that will magically make things better. But, perhaps I can give someone hope.
I was suicidal towards the end of my addiction. Made a plan, obtained the means, and fully intended to do so… only to be surprised when I woke up in the morning. Ultimately, the thought that saved my life was, “I might as well give sobriety a shot. After all, I can always kill myself later.”
Not to say that my path was easy, but the answer is so clear in retrospect, it boggles my mind that it was ever something that I debated. I mean, I was literally debating between killing myself outright, killing myself a la Leaving Las Vegas, and no longer poisoning my mind and body while destroying everything in my life that I cared about… and somehow, between those three options, I managed to pick suicide on more than one occasion. Fortunately for me, I was such a ■■■■ up, I couldn’t even do that right.
I guess I picked suicide because not only did I feel like I wasn’t possible for me to turn things around, but also because I felt like I didn’t deserve anything better.
I know it’s really easy to sit here on the other side, and tell people that if there is hope for me, then there is hope for them. But it’s true. It doesn’t matter how hopeless you think you are, or how much you hate yourself, I promise you that there are others who have walked in your shoes, and who did manage to turn things around.
I’m not a mental health expert, so I don’t know what to say to the non-scumbags out there, but for the alcoholics and addicts, the solution is simple -work a program of recovery. It won’t magically make everything better overnight, but things can and will get better over time.
Broadcast for Reps is a suicide support group made by Eve online players.